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Part III Listening Comprehension (35mins)
  Section A
  Directions: In part A, you will hear short conversations between two people. After each conversation, you will hear a question about the conversation. The questions and the questions will not be repeated. After you hear a question, read the four possible answers in your test book and choose the best answer. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the question and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.
  11. A Go to the football match with the woman.
  B Ask the woman to help him write the term paper on history.
  C Finish the last tow chapters of history assignment.
  D Take part in the football match.
  12. A she wants to borrow the man’s student card
  B the tickets are less expensive than she expected
  C she won’t be able to get any discount for the ticket
  D the performance turns out to be disappointing
  13. A it’s far from being ready B it contains some valuable ideas
  C she needs another week to get it ready D it has nothing to do with the internet
  14. A He is suffering from the difference of time zones.
  B He has been studying hard at night.
  C He finds biology difficult fo learn.
  D He has not adjusted to a new culture.
  15. A A lesson requires student’s active involvement
  B students usually take an active part in a lecture
  C more knowledge is covered in a lecture
  D there is a larger group of people interested in lesson
  16.A The pictures of night view are really better than he expected
  B He didn’t know how he finished his role in the play
  C The film hasn’t been processed yet
  D He didn’t have enough film
  17. A He often complains. B he is a short person.
  C He is worried about something. D He is a happy sort of person.
  18. A He can’t miss the bank. B She forgot to tell him one thing.
  C It’s no use going there. D The bank is close to the corner.
  Questions 19-21 are based on the conversation you have just heard
  19. A A vacation trip to Yellowstone Park
  B A lecture by a visiting professor
  C Her biology thesis
  D A research project on Yellowstone Park
  20. A More buffalo are surviving the winter
  B Fewer buffalo are dying of disease
  C More buffalo are being born
  D Fewer buffalo are being killed by hunters
  21. A She is from Wyoming and eager to visit Yellowstone Park
  B She needs the money to continue her studying
  C She has been studying animal diseases
  D Her thesis adviser is heading the project
  Questions 22-25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
  22.A) She knew about it by reading a booklet.
  B) She knew about it by reading a student union introduction.
  C) She knew about it by reading a newspaper.
  D) She knew about it by reading a magazine.
  23.A) Because they want to preserve the natural beauty of the campus.
  B) Because they want to protect the students’ right for living space.
  C) Because they want to conserve the place for future use.
  D) Because they want to sell the place for a better price.
  24. A) They will organize a meeting to discuss a proposal.
  B) They will organize a protest to express their opposition.
  C) They will organize an appeal-letter signing activity.
  D) They will organize a march around the campus.
  25. A) She will participate in the protest.
  B) She will sign the appeal letter.
  C) She will take part in a meeting of the Student Action Union.
  D) She will attend her class as usual.

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