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18A)  She was working on a train schedule.B)  She didn’t get home until after midnight.
C)  She was busy with her guests all evening.D)  She left too late to catch the train.
Question 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
19. A) How different kinds of pepper are produced.B) Why white pepper is superior to black pepper.
C) How the pepper plant is grown.D) How various peppers are used in cooking.
20. A) He read about it in a cookbook.B) He grows his own herbs and spices.
C) He heard about it from a friend.D) He studied it in cooking school.
21. A) It’s preserved in liquid.B) The skin is removed.
C) It’s dried in the sun.D) It’s freeze—dried.
22. A) It’s more pure than other types of pepper.B) It helps maintain the color of certain dishes.
C) It has a fruity flavor.D) It’s easier to grow.
Question 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
23. A) A story in prose.B) A poem that rhymes.
C) A translation of a short literary work.D) A journal about the process of writing.
24. A) The class has been assigned to read it.
B) He was able to read it in French.
C) He isn’t sure it’s available in English.
D) He thinks it’s an example of what the professor wants.
25. A) It’s pronounced differently in French than it is in English.
B) To write without using it is difficult both in English and in French.
C) Every word in the French author’s book contained it.
D) It’s commonly used in English to make poetry rhyme.
Section B
Directions:In this section,you will hear 3 short passages.At the end of each passage,you will hear some questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C) and D) .Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.
Passage One
Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.
26A)  Automobile safety.B)  Increasing fuel efficiency.
C)  California’s pollution laws.D)  Electric—powered cars.
27A)  They are cheaper.B)  They do not pollute as much.
C)  They are simpler to drive.D)  They are faster.
28A)  It is not comfortable.
B)  It is difficult to steer.
C)  It cannot go long distance  without recharging.
D)  Its engine easily overheats.
Passage Two
Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.
29A)  Its publication was banned by the British government.
B)  It was the first weekly newspaper.
C)  It caused a prison revolt.
D)  It was the first magazine ever published.
30A)  He wrote articles critical of the Church of England.
B)  He refused to stop publishing The Review.
C)  He refused to pay publishing taxes.
D)  He refused to join the Church of England.
31A)  It was not really a magazine.B)  It featured a variety of articles and stories.
C)  It was praised by readers of poetry.D)  It was unpopular with political analysis.

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