
www.zige365.com 2009-8-31 9:11:40 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
part III   Vocabulary
1.   A word processor is much better than a typewriter in that it enables you to enter and _______your text more easily
A)  register                                 B)   edit
C)   propose                                D)   discharge

2.   We don’t know why so many people in that region like to wear dresses of such ______colors
A)  low                                    B)   humble
C)  mild                                    D)   dull

3.    The news has just ______ that the president is going to visit China next month
A)   come down                            B)   come  up
C)   come out                              D)   come about

4.    The ______ that exists among nations could certainly be lessened if misunderstanding and mistrust were removed
A)  tension                                B)   strain
C)   stress                                 D)   intensity

5.    The other day , Mum and I went to St. James’s Hospital , and they did lots and lots of tests on me , most of them _____ and frightening
A)   cheerful                               B)   horrible
C)   hostile                                 D)   friendly

6.    In the Mediterranean seaweed is so abundant and so easily harvested that it is never of great _____
A)   fare                                  B)   payment
C)   worth                                 D)   expense

7.   The writer was so ______ in her work that she didn’t notice him enter the room
A)  absorbed                               B)    abandoned
C)   focused                                D)   centered

8.    Actually , information technology can ______ the gap between the poor and the rich .
A)   link                                   B)   break
C)   ally                                    D)   bridge

9.    Some research workers completely ______ all those facts as though they never existed .
A)   ignore                                  B)   leave
C)   refuse                                   D)   miss

10.    Computer power now allows automatic searches of fingerprint files to match a print at a crime ______
A)   stage                                     B)    scene
C)   location                                   D)    occasion

11.    The most basic reason why dialects should be preserved is that language helps to ______ a culture
A)   retain                                   B)   relate
C)   remark                                  D)   review

12.   Companies are struggling to find the right _______between supply and demand , but it is no easy task
A)   equation                                B)    formula
C)   balance                                  D)   pattern

13.    Mass advertising helped to _______  the emphasis from the production of goods to their consumption
A)   vary                                  B)  shift
C)   lay                                    D)  moderate

14.    Because of his excellent administration , people lived in peace and _____ and all previously neglected matters were taken care of .
A)  conviction                              B)   contest
C)   consent                               D)   content 

15.    I know you’ve got a smooth tongue , so don’t talk me ______ buying it
A)  away                                 B)   down
C)   out                                  D)   into

16.   Showing some sense of humor can be a(n) _______ way to deal with some stressful situation
A)   effective                              B)   efficient
C)   favorable                              D)   favorite

17.    The situation described in the report ______ terrible , but it may not happen
A)   inclines                               B)   maintains
C)   sounds                                D)   remains

18.    The company is trying every means to ______ the wholesale price of its products
A)   pull down                             B)   put down
C)   set down                              D)   bring down

19 .   The mayor ______ the police officer a medal of honor for his heroic deed in rescuing the earthquake victims
A)   rewarded                             B)   awarded
C)   credited                              D)   prized

20.    The native Canadians lived in _______ with nature , for they respected nature as a provider of life
A)   coordination                          B)   acquaintance
C)    contact                              D)   harmony
21.   Many people are asking whether traditional research universities in fact have any future _______
A)    at all                              B)   so far
C)   in all                               D)    on end

22.    I was impressed _______ the efficiency of the work done in the company
A)   in                                 B)    about
C)   with                               D)    for

23.    Now in Britain  , wines take up four times as much ______ in the storehouse as both beer and spirits
A)   block                              B)    land
C)   patch                              D)    space

24.    His hand shook a little as he _______ the key in the lock
A)   squeezed                          B)   inserted
C)   stuffed                            D)   pierced

25    For professional athletes , _______ to the Olympics means that they have a chance to enter the history books
A)   access                              B)   attachment
C)   appeal                              D)   approach

26    In the  long _________ , the new information technologies may fundamentally alter out way of
A)   view                                B)   distance
C)   jump                                D)   run

27.    All  the arrangements should be completed _______ your departure .
A)   prior to                               B)   superior to
C)   contrary to                            D)    parallel to

28.    We need to create education standards that prepare our next generation who will be _______ with an even more competitive market
A)   tackled                               B)   encountered
C)   dealt                                 D)   confronted

29.    In the late seventies , the amount of fixed assets required to produce one vehicle in Japan was ______ equivalent to that in the United States
A)   rudely                                B)   roughly
C)   readily                                D)   coarsely

30    Many people believe we are heading for environmental disaster ______ we radically change way we  live
A)   but                                      B)    although
C)    unless                                   D)    lest

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