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PartⅠ Listening Comprehension

Section A
1.D) Wait for Bob.
2.A) She is working in the city.
3.C) At a bookstore.
4.B) They try to think of a solution.
5.C) Talking on the phone.
6.A) Buy something for the picnic.
7.B) The woman arrived for registration too early.
8.C) The man is planning to visit New York.
9.B) An old lady took the couple’s suitcase for her own.
10.A) She's flying to Hong Kong.

Section B
11.D) They employ as few workers as possible.
12.C) Cleaning and washing up.
13.C) They make their guests feel at home.
14.D) To get his prize.
15.C) A car mechanic.
16.A) They let him do what he wanted to.
17.D) He was limited by time and the size of his pockets.
18.A) A rescuer on the Golden Gate Bridge.
19.D) Someone on the bridge is attempting to kill himself.
20.B) Try to communicate with them first.

PartⅡ Reading Comprehension

21.B) A teenager driving after midnight with passengers in the car.
22.C) their lack of driving experience
23.D) The licensing authonties are partly responsible for teenagers' driving accidents.
24.D) the licensing system should be improved
25.C) has been put into effect
26.C) People with formal schooling plus work experience.
27.B) an MBA degree does not help promotion to managerial positions
28.A) people who have a strategic mind
29.A) they are more capable of handling changing situations
30.D) Generalists will outdo specialists in management.
31.B) something hardly to be expected in a young child
32.B) gradually and under guidance
33.A) the widespread influence of television
34.D) It can control what children are to learn.
35.B) He thinks it is a phenomenon worthy of note.
36.A) Everyone has a right to hold his own opinion.
37.B) Someone who can't put up with others' tastes.
38.C) personal tastes are not something to be challenged
39.D) it is based on careful thought
40.C) doesn't mean that one has the right to do things at will

Part Ⅲ Vocabulary and Structure

41.A) emitted
42.D) lest
43.A) break through
44.A) demanded
45.C) to
46.A)Thanks to
47.B) regardless of
48.D) awarded
49.C) manner
50.C) advocates
51.C) convey
52.A) are
53.B) must have been made
54.B) frustrating
56.C) devised
57.A) involvement
58.D) on condition that
60.D) ease
61.A) of
62.B) promoting
67.B) as though
68.A) denied
69.B) print
70.A) idling away

Part Ⅳ Short Answer Questions

S1. a fast route to wealth
S2. money
S3. a wreath of olive leaves / olive wreath
S4. professional
S5. barred
S6. He gave up running forever./ Giving up running forever.
S7. Ski equipment and fast food
S8. (1) hotel
      (2) medal symbols, TV rights, souvenirs, food and drinks

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