
www.zige365.com 2009-8-31 8:56:18 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心


PartⅠ Listening Comprehension

Section A

1.B) They are likely to have dinner together.  
2.D) It's no longer available.  
3.D) Mother and son. 
4.B) She phones her parents regularly at weekends.  
5.A) The next bus is coming soon. 
6.D) They have plenty of time to work on the assignment.  
7.B) The man and the woman have an appointment at 7 o'clock.  
8.A) She’s learned a lot from the literature class.  
9.C) Joe probably failed in the exam.  
10.B) She doesn’t mind it as the road conditions are good.

Section B Compound Dictation

S1. mysterious 
S2. coupled 
S3. ruining
S4. percent 
S5. species 
S6. ensure
S7. average
S8. When you consider that equals a quarter of the world catch, you begin to see the size of the problem.
S9. True, some countries are beginning to deal with this problem, but it’s vital we find a rational way of fishing
S10. Before every ocean becomes a dead sea, it would make sense to give the fish enough time to recover, grow to full size and reproduce

PartⅡ Reading Comprehension

11.A) generally possess certain inspiring characteristics 
12.C) they can serve as concrete examples of noble principles 
13.B) their performances do not improve their fans morally 
14.B) can move the masses with their forceful speeches 
15.A) be delayed without leaders with inspiring personal qualities 
16.A) have never been so materialistic as today 
17.B) the financial goals they seek in life 
18.D) the importance of a broad education should not be overlooked 
19.B) help people see things in their right perspective 
20.D) Career seekers should not focus on immediate interests only.
21.D) Positive. 
22.C) are attaching more importance to their overseas business
23.C) missing opportunities for promotion when abroad 
24.B) Ability to speak the client’s language. 
25.A) better control the whole negotiation process 
26.A) A) customer service in Israel is now improving 
27.C) if there’s no competition among companies 
28.D) they only have to wait half an hour at most 
29.D) staff retraining is essential for better service 
30.B) Because customers were dissatisfied with its past service.

Part Ⅲ Vocabulary

31.D) discovers
32.B) raised 
33.C) shouldn’t  
34.B) acquire 
35.C) had worked 
36.A) accused 
37.D) focused 
38.A) should be attacked 
39.B) entitled
40.C) fault
41.D) substances 
42.C) time-consuming
43.D) lost 
44.D) identity 
45.A) distance 
46.B) campaign 
47.C) But for 
48.D) While 
49.D) conventional 
50.A) fierce
51.A) whoever 
52.B) fortunate
53.B) known 
54.A) calling on 
55.C) emergency 
56.A) would have arrived 
57.A) insight 
58.C) were ended 
59.B) fares
60.B) pulled through

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