
www.zige365.com 2009-8-30 16:42:01 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
Part Ⅰ
1) W:I heard you got a full mark in maths exams.Congratulations!
M:Thanks!I'm sure you also did a good job.
Q:What's the probable relationship between the two speakers?

2) W:Hi,Tony.How did your experiment go yesterday?
M:Well,it wasn't as easy as I had thought .I have to continue doing it tonight.
Q:What do we learn from the conversation?

3) M:I hear you are moving into a new apartment soon?
W:Yes ,but it is more expensive.My present neighbour plays paino all night long.
Q:Why is the woman moving?

4) W:Mr Jones,your student,Bill, shows great enthusiasm for music instruments.
M:I only wish he showed half as much for his English lessons.
Q:What do we learn from the conversation about Bill?

5) W:Oh ,dear!1'm starving,I can't walk any farther.
M:Let's go to the restaurant across the street and get something to eat.
Q:Where are the two people?

6) W:Why didn't you make an appointment to see the doctor last week when you first twist your ankle?
M:The injury didn't seem serious then .I decided to go today,because my foot still hurt when I put my weigh on it .
Q:Why didn't the man .see the doctor earlier?

7) M:I wonder if Suzy will be here by 5 o'clock.
W:Her husband said she left home at 4:30.she should be here at 5:10,and 5:15 at the latest.
Q:what time did Suzy leave home?

8) W:When will you be through with your work,John?
M:who knows? My boss usually finds something for me to do at the last minute.
Q:What do we learn from the conversation?

9) W:I don't know what I'm going to wear to the party .All of my clothes look so old and I can't afford something new .
M:Why don't you wear your black silk dress?
Q:What is the woman going to do?

10) M:How did you like yesterday's play?
W:Generally speaking,it was quite good.The part of secretary was played wonderfully,but I think the man who played the boss was too dramatic to be realistic.
Q:How does the woman feel about the man's acting in the play?

Section B
    If you are a young college student,most of your concerns about your health and happiness in life are probably focused on the present.Basically,you want to feel good physically,mentally,and emotionally now.You probably don't spend much time worrying about the distant future,such as whether you will develop heart disease,or cancer,how you will take care of
yourself in your retirement years,or how long you are going to live.Such thoughts may have crossed your mind once in a while.However,if you are in your thirties,forties,fifties,or older,such health-related thoughts are likely to become increasingly important to you.
   Regardless of your age,you can make a number of important changes in your current life style that will help you feel better physically and mentally.Recently researchers have found that,even in late adulthood,exercise,strength training with weights,and better food can help elderly individuals significantly improve their health and add happiness to their life.We know much more about preventive health today than our parents and grandparents did in the past,giving us the opportunity to avoid some of the health problems that have troubled them.And this new knowledge can be transmitted to our children to help them become healthier than our generation.

Part Ⅰ
1-5 CDAAD 6-10 BCBCD
Part Ⅱ
11-15 CBABD 16-20 ACBAC
21-25 DACCB 26-30 DDABC
Part Ⅲ
31-35 ABBDC 36-40 BAADB
41-45 ADBAC 46-50 ACCCD
51-55 CCBDC 56-60 BDDAC
Part Ⅳ
61-65 BDCCD 66-70 CABDC
71-75 CABCD 76-80 DABAB

Part Ⅰ
S1 focused S2 emotionally S3 distant S4 cancer
S5 retirement S6 crossed S7 increasingly
S8 regardless of your age,you can make a number of important changes in your current lifestyle.
S9 We know much more about preventive health today than our parents and grandparents did in the past.
S10 And these new knowledge can be transmited to our children to help them become healthier than our generation.

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