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※  恩波四六级团队倾力制作。特别感谢:谢忠明、丁晓钟、黄三省、李庄前、贡献、何谐、余斌等老师的大力协助。

※  转载请标明出处 恩波教育在线 (www.enboedu.com

Part I Listening Comprehension

Section A
1. D) The woman is asking the man to leave    
2. C) Water her plants while she is away   
3. C) He doesn t have time   
4. A) The woman insists on going out   
5. B) The woman should take fewer courses next term
6. B) Get the Johnsons address   
7. D) Jane is eager to go home for the vacation   
8. A) Spending more time on sightseeing   
9. C) The woman has broken a traffic rule   
10. A) She can tell Joan when she sees her at noon

Section B
11. A) To protect persons and property  
12. C) By selling public lands   
13. B) Taxes and services for the public   
14. D) He had to work to support himself   
15. A) He was not happy with the new director
16. C) He wanted to go to Spain   
17. B) He wanted to earn more to support his family   
18. D) It grows easily in various conditions   
19. D) Chocolate beans   
20. B) They made native American foods popular

Part II Reading Comprehension

21. C) a possiblecause of aircraft crashes   
22. D) They were suspected to have resulted from electromagnetic interference   
23. B) the harmful effect of electromagnetic interference is yet to be proved    
24. C) Because research scientists have not been able to produce the same effects in labs   
25. A) is in favor of prohibiting passengers use of electronic devices completely
26. D) increased efforts of other countries in public relations    
27. B) British companies place more importance on PR than U.S. companies   
28. A) limited in outlook    
29. C) are not as sophisticated as their European counterparts   
30. A) American PR companies should be more internationally-minded
31. D) by chance   
32. C) haven t yet found an effective measure to control their population   
33. A) attributes it to    
34. B) they have gradually changed people s way of life    
35. B) The desire for consumption helps to reduce birth rate
36. A) their social roles are rigidly determined    
37. D) the basic characteristics of toys are the same the world over    
38. B) Toys have remained basically the same all through the centuries   
39. C) are not characterized by technological progress   

Part III Vocabulary

40. D) even a simple toy can mirror the artistic tastes of the time
41. B) by
42. D) bothered   
43. C) had not been planned    
44. B) ranged   
45. D) wondering
46. D) speak   
47. B) take up   
48. A) isolated     
49. D) bare   
50. D) owing to
51. A) with   
52. C) vigorously  
53. D) as   
54. C) idleness  
55. B) I most want to visit
56. B) Unlike    
57. A) being    
58. B) Since   
59. B) bargains  
60. A) may we use
61. D) supply   
62. C) be taken    
63. A) had come   
64. C) tidying up    
65. B) on
66. A) other than   
67. A) ran over   
68. C) to be accomplished   
69. C) There is   
70. A) appreciated 

Part IV    Short Answer Questions

S1. Economics.
S2. Because the increased cost will be more than Marge’s income.
S3. Economic factors and emotional needs.
S4. that homemaking gives them the deepest satisfaction.
S5. stay home.

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