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Part 1V                      Close                 (15 minutes)
     What do we mean by a perfect English
pronunciation? In one   71   there are as many       71. A) meaning       B) case
different kinds of English as there are speakers           C) sense          D) situation
of it.   72   two speakers speak in exactly the      72. A) Not           B) None
                                                C) No            D) Nor
same   73  , we can always hear differences       73. A) way           ]3) form
                                               C) sort          D) type
   74   them, and the pronunciation of English       74. A) from           B) among
                                                 C) of             D) between
   75    a great deal in different geographical       75. A) varies          B) changes
                                                 C) shifts         D) alters
  76  . How do we decide what sort of English       76. A) parts          B) areas
                                                 C) countries       D) spaces
to use as a   77   This is not a question that       77. A) direction       B) model
                                               C) symbol        D) guide
can be   78   in the same. Way for all foreign       78. A) given          B) responded
                                                 C) answered      D) satisfied
learners of English   79   you live in a part of       79. A) Because        B) When
                                                 C) Whether       D) If
the world,   80   India or West Africa, where       80. A) like            B) in
                                                  C) as             D) near
there is a long   81   of speaking English for        81. A) tradition       B) use
general communication purposes,  you should           C) custom         D) habit
   82    to  acquire  a  good  variety  of  the      82. A)propose        B) aim
                                                  C) select          D) tend
pronunciation of this area. It would be a   83         83. A) fashion        B) nonsense
in these circumstances to use as a model BBC           C) mistake        D) possibility
English or   84   of the sort. On the other         84. A) everything     B) nothing
                                               C) things         D) anything
hand, if you live in a country   85   there is no       85. A) that           B) where
                                                  C) which         D) wherever
traditional use of English, you must take  86        86. A) as            B) with
                                               C) on            D) to
your  model  some  form  of    87    English       87. A)practical       B) domestic
                                                    C) new           D) native
pronunciation. It does not   88   very much       88. A) care           B) affect
                                               C) matter        D) trouble
which form you choose. The most   89   way       89. A) sensitive       B) effective
is to take as your model the tort of English you           C) ordinary       D) careful
can  90   most often.                              90. A) listen          B) find
C) notice          D) hear

Part V                     Writing                (30 minutes)
Directions: For this part, you are allowed30 minutes to write a composition based on, the
following two questions:
Your composition should be no less than 100 words. Write this composition on the
Answer Sheet. Remember to write it clearly.
          How I Overcame my Difficulties in Learning English

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