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Part III             Vocabulary and Structure        (20 minutes)

Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A),B),C) and D) .Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Anwer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

41. I can't understand how you  ______ these unpleasant surroundings.
A) put out        
B) put down        
C) put up with      
D) put forward

42.  ______ you decide to take up you should try to make it a success.
A) Whatever       
B) Unless           
C) Whenever        
D) If only

43. If Harry did not attend the conference last night, he ______ too much work to do.
A) must have had 
B) must have       
C) had had          
D) had to have had

44. John often attends public lectures at the University of Oxford, chiefly ______ his
A) to improve      
B) improving        
C) to have improved 
D) improved

45. It was suggested at the meeting that effective measures ______ to solve the proplem.
A) were taken    
B) be taken         
C) must be taken    
D) take

46. I am ______ of your stupid conversation.                            
A) annoyed        
B) worried           
C) angry            
D) tired

47. They are building the dam in ______ with another firm.
A) comparison     
B) association        
C) touch            
D) tune

48. Most parents encourage their children to take an active part in social events, ______ those events do not interfere with their studies..
A) lest            
B) though           
C) unless           
D) provided

49. Orlande, a city in Florida, ______ for its main attraction, Magic Kingdom.
A) which is well known                    
B) is well known
C) well known                             
D) being well known

50. He is ______ a writer as a reporter.
A) more           
B) rather            
C) not so much      
D) not much

51. Jim is sorry  ______ so impolite to your guest last Saturday.
A) to be          
B) having been      
C) being            
D) to have been

52. I suppose that when I come back in ten years' time all these old houses ______ down.
A) will have been pulled                   
B) will have pulled
C) will be pulling                        
D) will be pulled

53. To be sure, some insects can build complex societies ______ different types of individuals performing different tasks.
A) taken from     
B) made of          
C) composed of      
D) developed from

54. The students will put off the outing until next week, ______ they won' t be so busy.
A) when           
B) as                
C) since             
D) while

55, I have not found my book yet; in fact, I am not sure ______ I could have done with it.
A) whether       
B) why             
C) what            
D) when

56. If you do not fasten your safety belt, your chances of being ______ will be greater.
A) beaten         
B) hurt             
C) damaged         
D) stricken

57." ______ "for many years, the writer suddenly became famous.
A) Having ignored him                    
B) To be ignored
C) To have been ignored                  
D) Having been ignored

58. This bird's large wings ______ it to fly very fast.
A) able            
B) enable            
C) unsure           
D) cause

59. The picture exhibition bored me to death. I wish I ______ to it.
A) have not gone                         
B) did not go
C) had not gone                          
D) should not have gone

60. I don't swim not, but I ______ when I was a kid.
A) used to it      
B) used to doing it   
C) used to           
D) used to do

61. I found my daughter sitting in the kitchen, crying ______.
A) strongly        
B) bitterly          
C) heavily          
D) deeply

62. You are getting too old for football. You'd better ______ tennis instead.
A) take in         
B) take up          
C) take for         
D) take over

63. When the two young people were married, the ceremory was anything ______ up to data.
A) but             
B) beside            
C) except           
D) apart from

64. He didn't mention anything about the party, ______ the date..
A) either even      
B) even nor          
C) even neither      
D) not even

65. After being rescued from the air crash, the people agreed that they had much to ______.
A) thank           
B) be thanked       
C) be thankful       
D) be thankful for

66. This new method not only saves time but also saves energy ______ operating on two batteries instead to four.
A) in              
B) on               
C) by              
D) for

67. What  ______ to him is whether the job allows him to pursue his studies.
A) matters         
B) refers            
C) happens         
D) applies

68. He said that very clearly so that nobody was in any ______ about what was meant.
A) doubt            
B) wonder           
C) question          
D) consideration

69. It is predicted that heavy rains are ______ to flood the area in a few days.
A) frightening      
B) threatening       
C) scattering        
D) warning

70. In most of the United States, the morning newspaper is ______ by schoolage children.
A) directed         
B) discharged        
C) derived          
D) delivered

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