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Part I Listening Comprehension

Section A
1.A) The man wants to go to Los Angeles  
2.C) He doesn’t write home once a week now  
3.C) Because she has to work  
4.B) There won’t be a test this afternoon  
5.D) The film wasn’t as good as she’d expected   
6.B) Around 3:00   
7.B) He was held up in traffic  
8.D) The caller dialed the wrong number   
9.C) Two days ago  
10.A) She got up later than usual

Section B
11.A) 4,000 years ago 
12.A) The small bowl was put above the large bowl 
13.D) Metal balls 
14.C) They are the first women news announcers on British television 
15.A) At 10 in the evening  
16.D) The number of viewers of her programme that day increased by millions 
17.D) It is hilly 
18.A) The soil has been overworked 
19.C) By working in factories 
20.B) From their parents

Part II Reading Comprehension

21.C) a business aspect  
22.D) the company which proposed to lay an undersea cable 
23.D) to measure the depths of the two oceans 
24.C) challenged       
25.A) the beginnings of oceanography 
26.B) 20 
27.B) to take a particular course in a different university 
28.A) their academic performance will affect their future careers 
29.C) such positions help them get better jobs 
30.B) ensuring that the students observe university regulations
31.D) he is at his peak in the afternoon or evening 
32.A) Unawareness of energy cycles 
33.C) get up earlier than usual 
34.A) help to keep your energy for the day’s work 
35.B) Dr. Kleitman explains why people reach their peaks at different hours of day 
36.C) approving 
37.D) prevented from advancing  
38.B) total personality  
39.D) Pupils also learn how to participate in teaching activities 
40.A) argue for teaching bright and not-so-bright pupils in the same class

Part III Vocabulary

41.A) after  
42.D) available 
43.C) as 
44.C) before 
45.B) Any 
46.D) that is needed 
47.A) When compared 
48.C) It was from Stephen that 
49.D) pair 
50.A) opportunities
51.A) would have been here 
52.C) be sent 
53.D) had just had 
54.A) consequently 
55.C) erecting 
56.D) gives off 
57.C) informed 
58.A) release 
59.B) nor did she ever 
60.B) for which
61.B) above all 
62.B) Now that 
63.D) contrary to 
64.A) not going  
65.C) carried on 
66.A) to have left 
67.B) adjusted  
68.C) having been worded out 
69.C) spoiled 
70.B) hand

Part IV Cloze

71.A) Although   
72.C) smooth 
73.B) few  
74.D) sections 
75.C) enjoyable 
76.D) by 
77.B) connect  
78.D) heavy 
79.A) when  
80.C) almost
81.B) if    
82.A) relatively  
83.B) less 
84.D) Or 
85.C) crossing 
86.B) cliffs  
87.A) lying 
88.D) where 
89.C) chance  
90.C) visit

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