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Passage Four

  Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.

  As soon as it was revealed that a reporter for Progressive magazine had discovered how to make a hydrogen bomb, a group offirearm (火器) fans formed the National Hydrogen Bomb Association, and they are now lobbying against any legislation to stop Americans from owning one.

  "The Constitution," said the associations spokesman, "gives everyone the right to own arms. It doesnt spell out what kind of arms. But since anyone can now make a hydrogen bomb, the public should be able to buy it to protect themselves."

  "Dont you think its dangerous to have one in the house, particularly where there are children around?"

  "The National Hydrogen Bomb Association hopes to educate people in the safe handling of this type of weapon. We are instructing owners to keep the bomb in a locked cabinet and the fuse (导火索) separately in a drawer."

  "Some people consider the hydrogen bomb a very fatal weapon which could kill somebody."

  The spokesman said, "Hydrogen bombs dont kill people - people kill people. The bomb is for self-protection and it also has a deterrent effect. If somebody knows you have a nuclear weapon in your house, theyre going to think twice about breaking in."

  "But those who want to ban the bomb for American citizens claim that ifyou have one locked in the cabinet, with the fuse in a drawer, you would never be able to assemble it in time to stop an intruder (侵入者)"

  "Another argument against allowing people to own a bomb is that at the moment it is very expensive to build one. So what your association is backing is a program which would allow the middle and upper classes to acquire a bomb while poor people will be left defenseless with just handguns."

  26. According to the passage, some people started a national association so as to      A) instruct people how to keep the bomb safe at home

  B) coordinate the mass production of the destructive weapon

  C) promote the large-scale sale of this newly invented weapon

  D) block any legislation to ban the private possession of the bomb [D]

  27. Some people oppose the ownership of H-bombs by individuals on the grounds that

  A) they may fall into the hands of criminals

  B) peoples lives will be threatened by the weapon

  C) most people dont know how to handle the weapon

  D) the size of the bomb makes it difficult to keep in a drawer

  28. By saying that the bomb also has a deterrent effect the spokesman means that it

  A) can kill those entering others houses by force

  B) will threaten the safety of the owners as well

  C) will frighten away any possible intruders

  D) can show the special status of its owners [C]

  29. According to the passage, opponents of the private ownership of H-bombs are very much worried that

  A) the cost of the weapon will put citizens on an unequal basis

  B) the wide use of the weapon will push up living expenses tremendously

  C) poorly-educated Americans will find it difficult to make use of the weapon

  D) the influence of the association is too pow

erful for the less privileged to overcome [A]

  30. From the tone of the passage we know that the author is

  A) not serious about the private ownership of H-bombs

  B) concerned about the spread of nuclear weapons

  C) doubtful about the necessity Of keeping H-bombs at home for safety

  D) unhappy with those who vote against the ownership of H-bombs [C]

Part III Vocabulary (20 minutes)

  Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

  31. This is not an economical way to get more water; , it is very expensive.

  A) or else C) on the contrary

  B) in short D) on the other hand

  32. First published in 1927, the charts remain an source for researchers.

  A) intelligent C) inevitable

  B) indispensable D) identical

  33. You should try to your ambition and be more realistic.

  A) restrain C) reserve

  B) retain D) replace

  34. There is a of impatience in the tone of his voice.

  A) dot C) notion

  B) hint D) phrase

  35. Deserts and high mountains have always been a to the movement of people from place to place.

  A) jam C) fence

  B) barrier D) prevention

  36. Joe is not good at sports, but when it mathematics, he is the best in the class.

  A) comes up to C) comes to

  B) comes around to D) comes on to

  37. Please dictionaries when you are not sure of word spelling or meaning.

  A) search C) inquire

  B) seek D) consult

  38. Critics believe that the control of television by mass advertising has the quality of the programs.

  A) affected C) lessened

  B) effected D) declined

  39. She keeps a supply of candles in the house in case of power

  A) drop C) failure

  B) lack D) absence

  40. For more than 20 years, we've been supporting educational programs that from kindergartens to colleges.

  A) spread C) move

  B) shift D) range

  41. I was so in today's history lesson. I didn t understand a. thing.

  A) confused C) amused

  B) neglected D) amazed

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