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55. All their attempts to _____ the child from the burning building were in vain.

  A) regain C) rescue

  B) recover D) reserve

  56. Computer technology will _____ a revolution in business administration.

  A) bring around C) bring out

  B) bring about D) bring up

  57. The university has launched a research center to develop new ways of _____ bacteria which have become resistant to drug treatments.

  A) regulating C) interrupting

  B) halting D) combating

  58. The _____ goal of the book is to help bridge the gap between research and teaching, particularly the gap between researchers and teachers.

  A) joint C) overall

  B) intensive D) decisive

  59. The rapid development of communications technology is transforming the _____ in which people communicate across time and space.

  A) route C) vision

  B) transmission D) manner

  60. When I go out in the evening I use the bike _____ the car if I can.

  A) rather than C) in spite of

  B) regardless of D) other than

  61. There is no _____ evidence that people can control their dreams, at least in experimental situations in a lab.

  A) rigid C) smooth

  B) solid D) harsh

  62. Every culture has developed _____ for certain kinds of food and drink, and equally strong negative attitudes toward others.

  A) preferences C) fantasies

  B) expectations D) fashions

  63. It is reported that Uruguay understands and _____ China on human rights issues.

  A) grants C) abandons

  B) changes D) backs

  64. Only a few people have _____ to the full facts of the incident.

  A) access C) contact

  B) resort D) path

  65. His trousers _____ when he tried to jump over the fence.

  A) cracked C) broke

  B) split D) burst

  66. So far, _____ winds and currents have kept the thick patch of oil southeast of the Atlantic coast.

  A) governing C) prevailing

  B) blowing D) ruling

  67. The author was required to submit an _____ of about 200 words together with his research paper.

  A) edition C) article

  B) editorial D) abstract

  68. As the old empires were broken up and new states were formed, new official tongues began to _____ at an increasing rate.

  A) bring up C) spring up

  B) build up D) strike up

  69. Many patients insist on having watches with them in hospital, _____ they have no schedules to keep.

  A) even though C) as if

  B) for D) since

  70. Some plants are very _____ to light; they prefer the shade.

  A) sensible C) objective

  B) flexible D) sensitive

Part IV Cloze (15 minutes)

  Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D) on the right side of the paper, You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

  It's an annual back-to-school routine. One morning you wave goodbye, and that 71 evening you're burning the late-night oil in sympathy. In the race to improve educational standards, 72 are throwing the books at kids. 73 elementary school students are complaining of homework 74 . What's a well-meaning parent to do?

  As hard as 75 may be, sit back and chill, experts advise. Though you've got to get them to do it, 76 helping too much, or even examining 77 too carefully, you may keep them 78 doing it by themselves. I wouldn't advise a parent to check every 79 assignment, says psychologist John Rosemond, author Of Ending the Tough Homework. There's a 80 of appreciation for trial and error. Let your children 81 the grade they deserve.

  Many experts believe parents should gently look over the work of younger children and ask them to rethink their 82 . But you don't want them to feel it has to be 83 , she says.

  That's not to say parents should 84 homework —— first, they should monitor how much homework their kids 85 . Thirty minutes a day in the early elementary years and an hour in 86 four, five, and six is standard, says Rosemond. For junior-high students it should be 87 mom than an hour and a half, and two for high-school students. If your child 88 has mom homework than this, you may want to check 89 other parents and then talk to the teacher about 90 assignment

  71. A) very C) right

  B) exact D) usual

  72. A) officials C) experts

  B) parents D) schools

  73. A) Also C) Then

  B) Even D) However

  74. A) fatigue C) duty

  B) confusion D) puzzle

  75. A) there C) they

  B) we D) it

  76. A) via C) by

  B) under D) for

  77. A) questions C) standards

  B) answers' D) rules

  78. A) off C) beyond

  B) without D) from

  79. A) single C) page

  B) piece D) other

  80. A) drop C) cut

  B) short D) lack

  81. A) acquire C) gather

  B) earn D) reach

  82. A) exercises C) mistakes

  B) defects D) tests

  83. A) perfect C) unusual

  B) better D) complete

  84. A) forget C) miss

  B) refuse D) ignore

  85. A) have C) make

  B) prepare D) perform

  86. A) classes C) grades

  B) groups D) terms

  87. A) about C) much

  B) no D) few

  88. A) previously C) merely

  B) rarely D) consistently

  89. A) with C) out

  B) in D) up

  90. A) finishing C) reducing

  B) lowering D) declining

  Part V Writing (30 minutes)

  Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter in reply to a friend's inquiry about applying for admission to your college or university. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:




  A Letter in Reply to a Friend

  December 27th, 2003


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