
www.zige365.com 2012-7-2 11:12:38 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  分析:本句主句为“archaeologists study past societies primarily through their material remains”;“Whereas cultural anthropologists will often base their conclusions on the experience of living within contemporary communities”为whereas引导的让步状语从句;“that constitute what is known as the material culture left over from former societies”为定语从句,做the buildings, tools, and other artifacts的定语,关系词为that;“what is known as the material culture left over from former societies”为what引导的宾语从句,做constitute的宾语。

  8. Archaeologists in recent decades have developed ‘ethnoarchaeology', where, like ethnographers, they live among contemporary communities, but with the specific purpose of learning how such societies use material culture—how they make their tools and weapons, why they build their settlements where they do, and so on. (剑4, test4 passage 2)

  分析:本句主句为“Archaeologists in recent decades have developed ‘ethnoarchaeology'”;“where, like ethnographers, they live among contemporary communities, but with the specific purpose of learning how such societies use material culture”为定语从句,做‘ethnoarchaeology'的定语,关系词为where;“how such societies use material culture”为how引导的宾语从句,做learn的宾语;“how they make their tools and weapons, why they build their settlements where they do”位于破折号后面,解释前文中的“how such societies use material culture”, 也是how和why引导的宾语从句;“where they do”为where引导的地点状语从句。

  9. Heritage studies constitute a developing field, where it is realized that the world's cultural heritage is a diminishing resource which holds different meanings for different people. (剑4, test4 passage 2)

  分析:本句的主句为“Heritage studies constitute a developing field”;“where it is realized that the world's cultural heritage is a diminishing resource”为定语从句,做a developing field的定语,关系词为where;“that the world's cultural heritage is a diminishing resource”为that引导的主语从句,it为形式主语;“which holds different meanings for different people.”为定语从句,做a diminishing resource的定语,关系词为which。

  10. To archaeology, which studies all cultures and periods, whether with or without writing, the distinction between history and pre-history is a convenient dividing line that recognizes the importance of the written word, but in no way lessens the importance of the importance of the useful information contained in oral histories. (剑4, test4 passage 2)

  分析:本句较长,主句为 “the distinction between history and pre-history is a convenient dividing line”;“which studies all cultures and periods, whether with or without writing”为定语从句,做archaeology的定语,关系词为which;“that recognizes the importance of the written word, but in no way lessens the importance of the importance of the useful information”也是定语从句,做dividing line的定语,关系词为that;“contained in oral histories”为过去分词短语作定语,限定useful information。

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