Advance “提高”,相关近义词:progress , development
Domain “领域”,eg: the domain of chemistry, 相关近义词:field, area
Embark on “从事”,相关近义词: engage in, participate in, join , take part in, devote oneself into
Impetus “动力”,eg: the impetus behind the development of these early …, 相关近义词:stimulation, promote, gear up, boost, encourage
Launch“开创”一词,是科技类文章的必考词汇,相关近义词: establish, set-up
Original “原始的”,相关近义词:initial
Researcher“调研人员”,相关近义词:investigator, planner, reporter, scientist, authority , analyist
Term“术语”一词?,常用于介绍新发明,新事物,相关近义词:be named,be called,definition,meaning
Vanish “消失”,相关近义词:disappear, dissolve ,fade away
Artificial intelligence “人工智能”
Extract “提取”
Manufacture “手工业”
Renaissance “复兴”
Patent “专利”
Technical requirement “科技要求”
Streamline “使合理化”