那么除了在审题这一步要特别仔细以免丢了冤枉分之外,到底该如何回答安排此类分析解决型文章呢?接下来我们就以考官范文为参考进行仔细的分析。如Cambridge IELTS4 Test2: Happiness is considered very important in life. Why is it difficult to define? What factors are important in achieving happiness? 既然题目中出现了2个提问,那么在回答时自然也要一一对应回答,而不能忽略了其中某一个。所以考官给出的参考范文一共有5个段落,主体第一段说明原因,第一句话就点明:Because people interpret happiness for themselves in so many different ways, it is difficult to give any definition that is true for everyone. 第二段提出重要因素Of course, factors such as loving relationships, good health, the skills to earn a living and a peaceful environment all contribute to our happiness too. 主体第三段融入了自己的看法I think an ability to keep clear perspectives in life is a more essential factor in achieving happiness. 从这篇考官范文中我们不难发现,对于此类文章只要能做到一一对应,不要漏题即可轻松拿下,若能加入自己看法自然是更好。
另外我们再以Cambridge IELTS8 Test2的题目为例(Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has changed because of technology. In what ways has technology affected the types of relationships people make? Has this become a positive or negative development?),就考官给出的一篇5.5分的范文进行分析:考官对于该学生范文的评语中明确写到This answer addresses both questions, but the first is not well covered in terms of how actual relationships have changed. Nevertheless, there is a clear opinion that the effects have been positive and relationships have improved, with some relevant ideas to support this. 这篇范文分析也十分明确地告诉我们,在回答此类题目时切记要回答到位,而且字数一定要满足题目的要求。