
www.zige365.com 2012-9-26 15:42:36 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  3. Hundreds, if not thousands, of people 数百人,甚至上千人

  4. Labor division 劳动分工

  5. Involve a great many steps 包含很多的步骤

  6. Demanding requirements of talents 对人才有着很高的要求

  7. Professional knowledge and skills 专业的知识和技能

  8. succeed in their careers 在事业上很成功

  9. meet the requirements of somebody 满足某人的要求

  10. cater for the needs of somebody 满足某人的需求

  11. other options available 其他的选择

  12. be confronted with many problems and challenges 面临很多的问题和挑战

  13. Online materials are replete with errors 网络材料充满了很多错误

  14. Adequate explanation is lacking 缺乏足够的解释

  15. Gain a more comprehensive and profound understanding of something 更好的了解什么事情


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