
www.zige365.com 2012-5-24 10:47:04 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  有时在讨论完A和B两种观点以后,可以提出类似于“同意A还是B要取决于……”这样的折衷观点,前文讲到的动物试验是否可以进行取决于试验的性质就是属于这样的方案。再比如下面这个例子:Some people think that the animals should be treated as pets; others think that animals are sources of food and clothing. What is your opinion?


  From my point of view, there is no absolute answer as to whether animals should be treated like pets or as sources of food and clothes. It largely depends on what kinds of animals they are. But what remains undoubted is that we should treat animals with a humane attitude and bear in mind that they are important in preserving nature’s ecological equilibrium.


  很多双边讨论型文章中所讨论的两种观点其实是可以通过某种方案来“化解矛盾”的,例如这道考题:In many countries, good schools and medical facilities are available only in cities. Some people think new teachers and doctors should wok in rural areas for a few years, but others think everyone should be free to choose where they work. Discuss and give your own opinion.


  The best solution, therefore, is not to order, but to encourage. We should instill a sense of responsibility in young people and give more incentives to those who are willing to work in difficult areas, so that we can address the problem of urban-rural disparity while respecting whatever decisions new teachers or doctors have made.

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