雅思口语范文:Live in A Big City

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雅思考试网为大家收集了一篇雅思口语范文:Live in A Big City,希望大家活学活用。

  Live in A Big City

  Thousands of people rush into cities each year. Some come for education. Some come for shopping or sight-seeing. Some come on business. But most of them, attracted by the job opportunities and modern life, come to stay.

  People enjoy city life chiefly for its conveniences. To begin with, the city provides fast transport with roads and buses leading to every corner. Then, there are apartment stores and shops all over the city, where you can buy all kinds of goods you want. Besides, hospitals and other services are all with in easy reach. Indeed, whatever you need, you can easily get what you want.

  However, cities are confronted with many problems. One is the housing problem. For example, it is not uncommon for two or even three generations to share an apartment. Another problem is pollution. The air is not clean and the environment is noisy. Finally, there is the problem of competitive atmosphere. For instance, people who have been in the apartment block may well be strangers to each other. In short, the city is only a place for business, to be visited occasionally. It is not an ideal place for permanent residence. (194 words)


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