
www.zige365.com 2012-9-25 14:12:30 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  1.You lot must think I'm stupid .

  You lot: all of you

  2.I'm skint.

  Skint: short of money

  3.I met some bloke in the pub.

  Bloke: man

  4.Fancy a cuppa?

  Fancy: do you want...

  Cuppa: cup of tea

  5.Skiing is a doddle.

  Doddle: easy

  6.Lend me a quid.

  Quid: one pound

  7.He's an ace footballer.

  Ace: excellent

  8.I need the loo

  loo: toilet

  9.She's full of beans.

  Full of beans: full of energy

  10.This film is rubbish.

  Rubbish: garbage=bad

  11.I need to spend a penny.

  Spend a penny: go to the toilet

  12.Ta (pronounced Tar)

  Ta: thanks

  13.That fish is a bit dodgy, he's a dodgy person.

  Dodgy: suspicious

  14.What's on the telly?

  Telly: televison

  15.You look trendy.

  Trendy: Fashionable

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