
www.zige365.com 2012-8-22 11:18:11 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  9. one thing made you laugh 让你大笑的一件事

  10. an ideal job 理想的工作

  11. weather/season you like 喜欢的天气或季节

  12. a trip you had in your childhood 童年的旅行

  13. an occasion when you were polite 一个需要礼貌的场合

  14. favorite way of communication(email, phone or letter) 喜欢地交流方式

  15. a popular physical exercise 一种流行的身体锻炼方式

  16. an important historical event 一个重要历史事件

  17. what would you like to do if you have a free day 空闲的一天

  18. an exciting experience 一件令人激动的事情

  19. a wedding you took part in 你参加的婚礼

  20. a time you receive help or support from others/something kind other people did for you 一次接受别人帮助的时候/一次别人为你做的好事

  21. favorite time in a day 一天中最享受的时光

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