雅思口语辅导之雅思口语Part 3中最难的10道题

www.zige365.com 2012-5-10 16:14:19 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  9. 方式方法


  ◆ In what ways can teachers encourage students to focus on study?

  {原创范例} Well,there is a number of ways teachers can adopt to encourage students to concentrate 100% of their efforts on academic study. A possible approach would be to resort to multi-media facilities such as overhead projector, computer terminal. My English teacher often play video clips to intrigue us because he knows full well that we can be easily bored with written words.

  10. 观点询问


  ◆ Which one do you think is more important, health or wealth?

  {原创范例} Well, for me personally, the answer is absolutely the former.

  People, particularly young adults are trading health for wealth

  in ways are largely commonplace: they choose to eat out or order fast food instead of cooking at home; applying for gym membership would just be money down the drain because one would barely have the time for workout. However, it’s important to bear in mind that money wouldn’t mean a thing if one’s health is in grave jeopardy. Hence, it’s essential to prioritize health over wealth in one’s life and only in this way; efforts to make money can be justified.

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