11. Website What are th pros and cons of using Internet? Do old people access (= go onto = use) the internet very much? Do you think it is useful to encourage old people to use the internet? What are purpose of various kinds of people in using Internet? Is the internet used much in schools or colleges/universities? Do you think it is good to download the movies and songs from Internet,why? What is your idea of On line shopping? 12. handicraft you made Compare handmade and machine-made products How to pretect the traditional handicraft? What are the benefits of children learning how to make something by hand? What is the value of encouraging the development of creativity in children? 13. A recent change in your life Do you think experiencing change is good for children? How can people make changes to (improvements to) their everyday lives? 14. A sport (physical activity) you played when you were a child In China, what sports are most popular with young children? Do you think boys and girls should play the same sports? (Why?/Why not?) What benefits do children (or, young people) derive from playing sport? Do you think competitive sport is beneficialfor children (or, young people)? In what ways do you think the Olympic Games will effect (change) China? What effect do you think the Olympic Games will have on China's international relations? 15. Cafe or restaurant what is your definition of healthy food? why do people need to lose weight? Should we eat the fast food like Madonale’s ? What do the effects of western restaurant on domestic cultures? What are some of the factors that make a restaurant a good one? 16. holiday postcard or email you received and that you liked. During their holiday time, do most people in China prefer to stay at home and relax or do they prefer to travel? Why do people enjoy traveling? What (kinds of) places do people in China prefer to travel to, as tourists? Do you think your hometown is attractive to tourists? 17. a person who is good at his/her job Do you thinks schools and universities have a responsibility to prepare students for work? In high school in China, are there many opportunities for you to gain practical work experience? What about in university? What is the usual retirement age for people in China? If someone who is older than the retirement age wants to and is able to continue working, is he or she allowed to do that? What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of hiring young people and of hiring older people for work? 18. A school friend Do you think friends are important? Do you think it's easier to make friends today than it used to be? Why do some people choose to make friends on the internet? What are the qualities of a good friend? 19. an advice you received What is more acceptable , your friend’s advice or your parents’? What advice you will give to your friends? Do you think teachers should give students personal advice or just academic advice? Have you ever received advice from a trained person? What personal qualities do you think these professional advice givers should have? 20. Occasion when you were late Do you think it's important to be punctual? How do you feel when others are late, keeping you waiting? What are some examples of occasions when punctuality is especially important? Do you think that ideas about being 'on time' are the same in the West and in China? Do you think modern technology has given us more time than before? |