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  1995 • Modifications to IELTS were introduced: Academic and General Training modules were adopted for both Reading and Writing sections; measures implemented to gather data on test performance and candidate background to ensure fairness and effectively monitor users.推出一系列重要的改革措施:将阅读与写作部分精简为学术类和培训类两种类别;引入措施来收集、监测考生的个人信息和测试表现,以确保考试的公平性。

  1999 • Immigration offices from Canada, Australia and New Zealand start to use IELTS as language requirement for immigration. 加拿大、澳大利亚以及新西兰移民局均采用IELTS作为其移民申请的语言要求。

  2001 • The revised format of the Speaking test was successfully introduced world-wide in July 2001. 2001年7月,口语部分采用新题型。

  • Over 200,000 candidates sat for IELTS test world-wide. In China, candidature number reached 57,000. 全球考生数超过200,000, 中国考生数突破57,000。

  2003 • Online verification service was launched for receiving institutions. 雅思考试认可和接收机构可以在线查询申请者的IELTS成绩.

  2004 • IELTS official website www.ielts.org was launched to provide information and resources to candidates and teachers. IELTS全球官方网站 www.ielts.org 正式上线。

  • On behalf of China IELTS Network, British Council and China National Educational Examinations Authority signed an agreement to jointly manage IELTS tests in China. 英国文化协会代表中国雅思网络与中国国家教育部考试中心正式签署了在中国合作举办IELTS考试的协议。

  2005 • New assessment criteria for the Writing Test became operational from January 2005. 2005年1月,写作部分推出新的评分标准。

  • NEEA and British Council introduced online test registration and national call centre. 教育部考试中心和英国使馆文化教育处联合推出雅思考试网上报名系统和全国服务热线。

  • Computer-based IELTS test is introduced in a few countries world-wide. 雅思考试的机考模式在全球一些国家推出。

  2006 • Candidates are able to send the TRF through electronic extra TRF services. 雅思成绩的接受机构将可以通过电子形式接受考生额外成绩单。

  • IELTS global recognition system launched. IELTS全球认可机构搜索引擎启动, 方便考生查询认可机构及分数要求。

  • Rules that prevented candidates from re-taking IELTS within 90 days were removed. 取消“90天不得重考”的规定。

  2007 • To make IELTS Band Score more informative, half-band for writing and speaking introduced. 雅思考试引入写作、口语的半分制, 更加精确和客观地反映考生英语水平。

  2008 • Introduced revised speaking pronunciation assessment scale. 推出新的口试考试发音评估量表,更精确地反映考生发音水平。

  • Including the Ivy League schools, there are over 2,000 institutions in the US that recognise IELTS. 获得8所美国常青藤联盟名校的认可, 共有超过2000所美国院校认可雅思成绩。

  • More than 1.2 million candidates sat IELTS globally and the candidature in mainland China reached over 260,000; becoming the leading English test in China and the world for overseas study, work and immigration. 全球超过1,200,000考生参加雅思考试, 中国考生数超过260,000。雅思考试成为留学, 海外就职和移民类英语考试的领跑者。

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