
www.zige365.com 2009-9-8 11:19:26 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

do you think the famous people have privacy?
how do they do if they want to have privacy with their family?
clothes(what style. do you like , how often do you wear, what clothes are popular in China)

8.Sports (Related to Bejing Olympics, how often, your favorite, why),What sports are popular among Chinese people?
Should we teach sports to children? Why?
What is the role of sports?
Do you think sports can help you relieve your mood?

9.报纸与杂志的区别p2:interesting news P3:人们喜欢报纸还是电视新闻?为什么?喜欢报纸上的哪种新闻?电视台经常用一些手段提高收视率,有哪些手段?合不合理?人们阅读报纸与杂志的习惯与方式有何不同等

10.Art喜欢art吗 有没有学过某种art 有没有去过art gallery或者museum
Do you think the art is important to life?
Can you give an example of arts you learn?
What kind of art do you like?
What kind of art experience did you have when you were young?
What kind of art are you good at?

11.school ( where, what do you like most ,your favorite teacher and subject, why?)

12. a language you want to learn想学哪门语言,原因,如何学

13. Film
stage2:a film: when watch it, what is the name, what it is mainly about

14.Shopping( the comparison between the past and present)
Clothing What kind of clothes do you like?
What’s the difference between the opinions of men and women on clothes?
Do you like buying clothes?
Do you often wear formal or informal clothes?
Do you think that color is important when you buy clothes?
第二部分 一个被污染的城市,你生命时候visit的,什么污染,然后说说你的FEEL


16.describe an electric equipment you use in your life.
what the machine is
how you use it
how often you use it
explain why it is important to you

17.Internet or telephone(how often do you use telephone/ internet, which communication way people in your country prefer(telephone or letter)
describe a success ,when , what is it, how important

how to gain achievement   how to arrive at success
do you think competition is good?
why do people dislike competition
what is success for an employee
how can boss make his employee feel successful?

19. A place with a lot of water
What are the importance and usage of water?
Why we use more water now than the past?
What hazards of the inequality of water resources?
Why do people like live near by the water?
What can they do there?
Why children like swimming?
Describe a place that you have been to or seen where people go to listen to music(such as a theatre or music hall)

20.Are you good at any kind of music? Do you think it is good for children to listen to music? What kinds of music remind you of your childhood? How do you feel about children learning to play musical instruments? Do you think it is important for schools to have music classes for children? In China, where does the average person in society go to listen of music? Do you think people should pay when they download music from the internet?

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