part 3:在你们国家最主要的工作方式是什么? 你认为在大公司好还是在小公司好? 去大公司有什么优点 去小公司有什么有点 17. A place with a lot of water What are the importance and usage of water? Why we use more water now than the past? What hazards of the inequality of water resources? What can be done by the government to improve the situation? Why do people like live near by the water? What can they do there? Why children like swimming? 18. 讲一件你迟到的事,和迟到以后的后果什么的 你有没有朋友迟到的 你觉得什么场合不可以迟到 老年人和年轻人对于迟到这件事有什么区别啊什么的 19.Explain a foreign language except for English. A foreign language (besides English): What are the advantages of learning foreign language? What are the difficulties? 20. Friends, a person you like most What is your standard for choosing friends? What makes a good friendship? How can you maintain friendship? 21. do you think traveling can be educational? tourist attraction 1) tourist attraction 的种类 2)什么叫好的tourist attraction 3)电视旅游节目会不会减低人们出去旅游的欲望 4)推荐外国人到什么旅游景点? 22. Teenager: What are the influences of teenager on society? How do teenagers treat the old people? Compare the teenager now and in the past? teenager who is the teenager how do you know her or he? what is she or he like? 什么样的人喜欢teenager 在中国大部分teenager都是enjoy life 吗 现在的teenager有什么特点 提醒:考前看看网上的考试流程,特别值得大家引以为戒的是-在考官发问卷时候`不要翻到back cover``去看``(当然更不能打开看),常有考生当场违反规定就被记了名字,希望大家注意考场上的细节。 |