7 It is now very popular for high school or college students who have full-time courses to do some part-time jobs. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of working part-time. 8 Nowadays, people often feel great pressure from their jobs. What measures can employers as well as employees take to reduce the work-related stress? Give examples and your own experience. 9 Nowadays many household people do not like to cook meal from fresh ingredients. Instead, they often choose fast foods. Explain the reason for this trend. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend? Give your own experience. 10 Many parents complain that the computer games have no value to their children’s studies. On the contrary, those on-line games have produced a lot of negative effects on their mental and physical development. What is your opinion? Give examples and your own experience. 11.When a student chooses the future career, what factors and whose opinions should he consider? (%bk%) 四、雅思口语预测: 口语方面重点推荐可以看一下最近一月的考试题目或者参考本预测最近一个月的口语预测部分,很多都是重复考的。 part one: Where are you from? Do you like the city you live now? Do you know your much? Do you think the surounding you live is good for chindren? full name、来自哪个城市? 已经工作还是学习? 喜欢工作后的生活还是学生时代的生活,为什么?为什么选这学校上学?大学还喜欢的哪些东西? 平时下午一般干什么?一天最喜欢什么时候,为什么? Person/friend 描述你的朋友或者名人? Do you like to make friends with strange people? which kind of people do you like to make friends with? Talk about a friend . a person you want to get along with a person who took care of you in your childhood person you want to be similar 外国朋友 你们之间交流有什么困难,如何解决 他是否了解你们国家的一些传统 你们之间的差异 City do you like the city you live in? 你认为哪个city适合小孩子生长,为什么? city travel(大城市好?小城市好?什么东西在城市里起到不好的作用?城市的最大问题?人们为什么住在这里) is your city suit for tourists? 你居住的城市吸引游客吗? Transport Which kind of public transport you usually take? Do you think it is cheap? Which part you think need to be surport in the public transport in your city? 你平常使用的交通工具。为什么使用它?有什么优势?你对你所在城市的交通工具的看法?你觉得交通费用贵不贵? major introduce your major and your school,你觉得你的学校怎样。为什么选择这个学校 House 家里住在哪? apartment or flat or house?你喜欢你家的哪里,最不满意哪里?哪里需要改善?你在家里喜欢干什么? 经常去邻居家玩吗,你居住的地方适合家庭居住吗? 环境好否?是否适合小朋友居住? 你住的地方附近有什么公共场所吗? about moving home 描述你想拥有的房子是什么样的?在哪?想怎么装饰它? 认为能买得起这样的房子吗?现在中国人都住什么类型的房子?会产生的潜在问题是什么? 电子设备 科技对生活的影响 描述一个昂贵的辅助器械对 人们对电脑/科技的依赖的看法 part two: Phone电话 你平常都是什么时候使用电话。 谈谈CELL PHONE 和 MOBILE PHONE 比较使用对话交流和面对面交流哪种你更喜欢? 用电话么?多久用一次? 手机在中国是否流行? 通常都是什么人给你打电话? |