本预测适用于大陆地区,港澳台地区,澳洲及日韩等。 10月20日的考试三个旧题全部在预测当中,section 1V30038S1,section 2 V30037 S3,section 3 V41S4均在预测B级重点里。 口语也预测到部分话题job,book,web-shop,hometown,traffic,其余话题在以前的预测中均提到过。总体来说口语方面看机经还是比较有用的,所以说本年度第四季度考试的考生可以参考最近的机经预测口语或者下载无忧雅思机经准备口语。 G类写作也预测到,预测的题目是: 对于一些少年天才,过早的进入大学,有的人认为是剥夺了他们儿童时代的很多乐趣,有的人认为他们很幸福,与同龄人相比有很多优势,你是如何看待这种现象? G类大作文真题:Many adults think the childhood and schooldays are the best years of a person's life. What's the reason do you think? Do you agree or disagree?还 写作预测仍以社会热点问题及教育为题为主。 阅读预测意义不大,主要靠平时积累。 听力预测: A级重点: V70s1s3s4 V71s2s3s4 V07132s1s2 V07134s2s3s4 V07135s1s2s3 070602s1 V07138 V40110s2s3 V40112s3s4 V40121s2 V40201s3 V40202s3 V40213s4 V41 V06144s1s3 V06146s1s2 V06148s3s4 V06412s2 V06010s2 V06102s2s4 V30014 V30015 V30018 V30019 V30020s1s2s3
V50233s2s4 V30058s1s2 v30059s2s3s4 V30060s1s3s4 V30061s1s2s4 V30062s2s3s4 V30064s1s2 V30072s1s3s4 V30074s1s3s4 V30076s1s3s4 V30078s1s2s4 V30079s1s3s4 V30080s1s2s3 V30081 V30083s1s3s4 V30085s2s3s4 V30086s1s2s3 B级重点: V07147s1s4 V07148s1s3s4 V07102s3 V30084sS2s3s4 V07138s2s3 V07139s2 V070303s2 V070310s2s4 V070707s1s2 V070714s1s2 V40s4 V40101s3s4 V40102s1 V40103s2 V40104s2s3 V40106s1s2 V40109s1s2 V50114S3 v50116S2S4 V50127S3 V50130S2 V50131s3 V50134s4
V30032s1s2 V30033s1s3s4 V30036s1s3s4 V30037s1s3s4 V30038s1s2s3 V30039s1s3 V30040s2s4 V30041s2s4 V30042s1s3s4 V30043s3s4 V30044s1s2s3 V30045 V30049s1s2s3 V30052s2s3s4 阅读预测: 鉴于阅读很难预测,这里不再详细说明,但是还要重申的是阅读要靠平常积累练习。推荐的方法就是网友下载无忧雅思机经最新版,把机经通看一下,重点看一下2006年。
龙涎香、气候与国家富裕、无线射频技术、地球磁场、香蕉进化、中古玩具、大脑训练、水獭、海岛考古、短信电视互动、英语拼写与改革、香水、手势、乌鸦制造工具、水利发展、英国绿色农业、蝴蝶保护色、美国航空管制、深海热沟、电子书、乐观与健康、蚂蚁防虫、燃料电池、外星智慧、冰川时期、恐龙研究、交通堵塞、沉船保护、雪崩、英国建筑等 写作预测: 1. It is generally believed that education is of vital importance to the development of individuals and the well-being of societies. What should education consist of to fulfill both these functions? 2.现在社会广告方式层数不穷,像报纸,电视,电影,网络,海报,书刊杂志,你认为那种是最有效的广告方式,为什么? 3.对于一个人来说,你认为是华丽的外表更重要还是内心更有涵养重要?应该如何平衡两者之间的关系呢?说说你的看法。
4. The school leavers go to travel or work for a one-year period instead of going directly to the university. What do you think of the advantages and disadvantages for their studies? 5. Some people think that school students should be selected according to academic ability, but other people believe that students with different abilities should be educated together. Discuss different views and state your reasons and your opinion 6. So little has been done to protect the animals and plants, although people have been aware of this problem for a long time. State the reason and how to solve it. |