
www.zige365.com 2009-9-7 15:13:52 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  1, test number 事先要把你的号码用英语读得非常流利

  2,name 告诉他你名字的特殊含义,还有最好是告诉他你的family name

  3, student or work , 程度, where are you study?

  4,what major? Do you like it?why?plan after graduate?

  5, food, the most like food (dislike food), describe healthy food, eating bobby, eating habits? How to change your eating habits?

  6, what kind of food do you like? Why? Do you find any problem in food nowadays? Are people pay more attention to the health food? Compare the people‘s food habit in modern time and in the past?

  7, music, like or dislike music? Which kind of music do you like? Why? 音乐对人的情绪有影响吗?小孩应不应该学乐器?你有没有玩过乐器?which song do you like? When do you listen to the music? What difference between china music and western music?

  8, weekend, what do you do at the weekend? What would you like to do at the weekend? What is the most important thing at your weekend? 两天的weekend够不够?

  9,shopping, 你经常去shopping吗?chinese喜欢在网上shopping吗?男人愿意shopping还是女人愿意?人们一般去哪里shopping?why?介绍你们那里的商场的情况。

  10,seasons, the most like season? Why? What do you do in that season? 介绍你住的地方的气候。 And so on~~~

  11, traveling. Have you ever been any other cities in china before? do you like travelling ?why?

  do you like travelling alone or with other people? who &why?

  12, photograph, do you like photograph? what kind of photograph you are taking? What kind of photograph on your home wall?

  13, a school of your childhood?

  14, holiday.

  15, 你喜欢一天中的哪个时段?why?平时喜欢干什么?你认为你的业余时间够吗?重要吗?

  16,reading, do you like reading? When to read? How often?

  17, hometown. Where is your hometown? 你现在住在什么地方?为什么住那里?以后想搬家吗?如果有一个very nice flat, but no air-conditioner, 你愿意住吗?







  Ielts speaking test section2

  1, 喜欢音乐吗?什么样的音乐?都什么时候听?小孩子应该学乐器吗?为什么?

  2, 喜欢照相吗?都什么时候照?喜欢看照片吗?哪一种?

  3, describe a famous person in China. 你认识哪些名人?有一天你成为名人会怎样?说一下你最想见的名人.为什么? 如何做个名人,做个名人有什么坏处?

  4, describe a gift what gift you received make you feel special? who give you? what is it? why you think it is special for you ?

  5, describe your favorite room in your home? what it likes ? what is it? why you like it? what you do in the room normally?

  6, describe your best or favorite holiday, what? Where? with who? why do you think best ?

  7, talk about the clothing (jewellery) in your special occasions? describe what type of clothing will you chose in special time? :讲一种clothes/ jewellery的style? what will you look like when you wear them? how do you feel when you wearing them? traditional cloth in china, why people like to dress traditional clothes? any special meaning? Men‘s fashion and women’s fashion, and so on

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