
www.zige365.com 2009-8-26 14:11:10 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
  1. something you did to help learn another language (妙语连珠151、284页)
  What you did
  Where you did it
  Who you did it with
  And explain why you did it to help learn another language.
  do u enjoy learning other languages?
  what do u think is the difficult to learn other languages?
  is it useful for learning other languages
  what are the benefits?
  is it important to learn other languages?
  is it more important for modern society to learn other languages than in the past?
  为什么要学习不同的语言 年轻人是否比老年人学的快 学习语言对你的影响
  a sports event you watched (看过的体育赛事282页)
  An organization (一个机构214页)
  An important stage in life(人生的重要阶段278,232页)
  Describe a person you want to spend time with (说任何一个同学们准备过的人都可以啦289页)
  an interesting culture171页/a piece of interesting news you saw on TV or read on newspaper221页(认真准备)
  a game in childhood(童年玩过的游戏224页)
  Stage two:
  1. introduce a good cook you know(同学们要认真准备啊)
  2. how do you get to know the cook
  3. what kind of food does the cook do
  4. why do you think he is a good cook.
  Stage Three:
  1. do you think it is important for chinese people to eat together?
  2. do you think it takes a long time to cook?
  3. what do you think of healthy food?
  4. As comsumers,how do chinese people take healthy food?
  Describe a sculpture or work of art that you have seen.80页
  You should say:
  when you saw this work of art
  where you saw it
  what it looked like
  describe something that helps you in learning english(帮助你学习英语的东西)见妙语284页。
  你羡慕的家庭a family (not your own) you admire
  Describe an educational visit that you made when you were in school.
  You should say:
  where you went
  who you went with
  what you did there
  and explain what you learned on this trip.
  part 3 where are there educational visit for children?
  is it beneficial for children?
  what do parents do for children's educational visit?
  is it good for adults to study at home?
  will people study at home in the future?
  Describe your success.138,286页
  You should say:
  what type of house it would be
  how you would decorate it
朋友 50
老人 52
环境污染(一个被污染的地方) 63
商场 72
艺术品 80
衣服(特别场合的一件衣服) 83
设备 87
礼物 92
将来想买的物品 97
喜爱的体育锻炼 114
电视节目 119
期刊杂志 122
擅长的技能(现在不会将来想学的技能) 131
动物 145
学英语(sth that helps you in learning english) 151
公园、花园 161
江河湖海(a place with water) 163
帮助(一次助人经历) 180
旅游(long journey) 183
四季(favorite season) 196
信件、邮件 209
孩子(teenager) 236
书籍 240
电影 243
婚礼 252
照片(照片里不要有你) 259
建议 286
名人 291
工作优秀的人 295
艺术品88888888 298
想学的另一门外语 一部法律 表演 308 309 310

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