
www.zige365.com 2009-8-26 13:43:04 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
  Nowadays, people use computers to work at home instead of going to office. some think that it is beneficial to exmployees but not to employers. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  The recent two decades has seen an increasing emphasison the role of computers in changing people's day-to-day lives not only in domestic affairs but in official work as well. And, the flexibility of working at home with computers makes possible the extensive explosion of this high-tech device.Employees,thus,gain exposure to self-control work schedule, meanwhile enjoying their leisure time if necessary.
  Some people claim that this modern work style provides to the disabled people probably sufficient job opportunities, so that those free from sense of sound(the deaf) could support him or herself by means of translating or writing at home. Nobaby may, as ever before, deem them as incompetent portion of the society, but an undenialand rewarding finance-propeller, instead. Not only can their self-confidence through the whole process be reshaped and then enhanced but the stability that every society craves for is uncousciouly under its way.
  However, arriving at the conlusion that computers benefit workers at home considerablyis rarely eqivalent to assuming that employers extend dissatisfaction with this work fashion. Fortunately, working alone, as scientific survey warrants, helps save more than half working time previously wasted on meaningless chat and laughs among workmates,in which way distractions are supposed to be entirely removed. As what happens in my country, employers tend to pay less to work staff whose offices are their own home than to normal employees. It means that for sake of money, it sounds not that bad to boss.
  To conclude, I would say that not until both employers and their exmployees put their mind to promoting productivity and efficiency may two-way benefits to each side be realizedand even expanded.
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