语: Name Can you ride a bicycle/is bicycle popular in your country? Why famous person A famous person you want to meet/who/why ? advice A piece of important advice/ who give it to you/why is it important 一个重要体育活动 An important sports event/what it is/why Healthy food what/why is it healthy A happy experience movie 中国,大家都看什么电影? 问了中国大家喜欢在电影院看还是自家看? 还问了记录片(documentary)会受到欢迎吗?为什么? 如果你是导演,要你拍一部电影,你要怎么做 休闲活动 在中国最流行的休闲活动是什么 人们在周末通常都会干什么 人们是否该加班工作 teenager 谁,他是个怎样的人,和他怎么认识的 比如年轻人和老人的区别,年轻人喜欢怎么生活,年轻人是怎么看待老人 a recent thing make you happy newspaper and magzine a palce your work/study 环境对一个人工作学习重要吗? unpaid work? 人们在家里会做那些unpaid work? 工作或学习的地方要有什么设施,人们会不会做一些没有报酬的工作 what machine would you use in work? do you want to change your work in future? 宠物 有水的地方 邀请一个人到家里做一件事 别人去你家。你将怎么招待别人 which kinds of visitors would come to your house? what will you prepare for the visitors. shopping 喜欢那种购物方式 哪些商店可以吸引游客 book MUSIC 一个可以听音乐的地方 电子设备 你崇拜的人 campus life Talk aout something interesting during your campus life? 什么对于学习来说是最重要的,你是否已经花了太多时间在工作或学习上 TV programe What is your favorate TV programe? Tell the reason why you like this programe? animal Describe a time when you saw an animal? When it is? What did you see? 3.How the animal is? Do you like animal? What kind of animals you like best? What do you think human taking care of animals? Has the pets breeding brought some influence to human?Talk about what? What do you think people reducing eating meat nowadays? 一个你去过的有污染的地方 你认为现在的污染比以前严重还是有所缓解 以后会有更多的污染么 怎样治理环境污染问题 你所在的城市最严重的污染是什么 人们在路上随手扔饮料瓶子的原因是什么 环境污染会对经济造成影响么 garden 花园对城市的影响 最近发生的EVENT? 如果有钱该做些什么? 老人过去和现在在家庭种作用有什么变化? 让你高兴的事 年轻人怎么做会感到HAPPY 你老了还会HAPPY 喜欢的老师 童年 家长是否该对孩子施加压力。? 孩是否该有责任感 媒体 A PLACE YOU VISIT 经济危机 对中国的影响 描述一个人对周围人的影响 退休金该由谁支付 熟悉的人对你的影响 INTERESTING TRIP describe your latest travel in detail where you went how long it took to give to the destination what you want 教育改革 news how to get news? why you need to get in touch with news? which news is your most interested? which stage or age period is your enjoyable most? when? where? what did you do? why? which stage do you think is special for people? Is marriage important to people? is the celebration important to people? photo party kitchen organization wedding |