十一、日期怎么算字数? 答:Depending on the form. used, dates may count as one word (e.g., “29/1/2008”), two words (e.g., “January 2008” and “29th January”) or three words (e.g., “29th of January”). 十二、标题算字数吗? 答:Titles or headings (at the top of letters or essays, and at the beginning of paragraphs) are not included as part of an answer’s word count. 十三、没写完的句子算字数吗? 答:Words are counted whether they’re part of a whole sentence or an unfinished sentence (e.g., if the words are in an incomplete sentence at the very end of the answer). 十四、删除掉的句子算字数吗? Words that have been crossedout aren’t counted.