
www.zige365.com 2009-8-26 11:23:24 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
Part I:单词与短语
  escape vi.逃跑;prisoner n.囚犯,俘虏;prisoner of war战俘;drag vt.拖,拉;the bushes 灌木丛;work quickly行动快速;in the darkness 在黑暗处;change into (动词结构)换上;uniform n.制服;dressed in a blue uniform身着蓝色制服;rifle n.步枪;march up and down(动词结构) 踏步来回走动;boldly adv.无畏地,胆大地;blazing adj.灯光耀眼的;run here and there来回跑动;stand at//to attention (动词短语)立正站立;salute vt.向。。。敬礼;come towards sb.朝某人走来;elderly adj.年长的,年老的;grey adj.灰白色的;clear blue明亮的蓝。。。;feel sorry for sb.为某人感到惋惜;knock sb. to the ground (动词结构)将某人打倒在地;with a sharp blow 迅猛一击;drive off (动词短语)驾车离开
  Part II:语法学习
  Part III:综合训练
  (1) he had killed the guard, the prisoner of war quickly dragged him into the bushes. (2 work) rapidly (3) the darkness, he soon changed (4) the dead man’s clothes. Now, (5 dress) (6) a blue uniform (7) (8) a rifle (9) his shoulder, the prisoner marched boldly up and down in front of the camp. He could hear (10 shout) in the camp itself. The lights were blazing (11) men were running here and there: they had just discovered (12) a prisoner (13) escaped. (14) that moment, a large black car (15) four officers (16) it stopped (17) the camp gate. The officers got (18) and the prisoner stood (19) attention (20) saluted (21) they passed. (22) they had gone, the driver of the car came (23) him. The man obviously wanted to talk. He was rather elderly (24) grey hair and clear blue eyes. The prisoner felt sorry (25) him, (26) there was nothing else he could do. (27) the man came near, the prisoner knocked him (28) the ground (29) a sharp blow. Then, (30 jump) (31) the car, he drove (32) as quickly as he could.
  (1) When; (2) Working; (3) in; (4) into; (5) dressed; (6) in; (7) and; (8) with; (9) over; (10) shouting; (11) and; (12) that; (13) had; (14) At; (15) with; (16) inside; (17) at; (18) out; (19) to//at; (20) and; (21) as//when; (22) When; (23) towards; (24) with; (25) for; (26) but; (27) As//When; (28) to; (29) with; (30) jumping; (31) into; (32) off//away
  Part IV:句子翻译
  1. 干掉守卫后,这名战俘很快将他拖到了灌木丛中。黑暗中动作迅速,他很快换上了死者的衣服。
  2. 现在,身穿蓝色制服,肩扛一杆步枪,战俘大胆地在军营前来回走着。他可以听到军营里面的叫喊声。
  3. 灯火通明,人们东奔西跑:他们刚刚发现一个战俘逃跑了。就在那一刻,一辆很大的黑色轿车,里面有四名军官,在军营门口停了下来。军官们下了车,经过时这个战俘立正敬礼。
  4. 他们过去后,轿车司机向他走来。那人很明显是想交谈。他已是个有把岁数的人了,头发灰白,眼睛蓝而明亮。
  5. 这名战俘为他感到惋惜,但他别无选择。当他走近时,这位战俘猛然一击把他打倒在地。接着,他跳进车里,以最快的速度扬长而去。
  1. When he had killed the guard, the prisoner of war quickly dragged him into the bushes. Working rapidly in the darkness, he soon changed into the dead man’s clothes.
  2. Now, dressed in a blue uniform and with a rifle over his shoulder, the prisoner marched boldly up and down in front of the camp. He could hear shouting in the camp itself.
  3. The lights were blazing and men were running here and there: they had just discovered that a prisoner had escaped. At that moment, a large black car with four officers inside it, stopped at the camp gates. The officers got out and the prisoner stood to attention and saluted as they passed.
  4. When they had gone, the driver of the car came towards him. The man obviously wanted to talk. He was rather elderly with grey hair and clear blue eyes.
  5. The prisoner felt sorry for him, but there was nothing else he could do. As the man came near, the prisoner knocked him to the ground with a sharp blow. Then, jumping into the car, he drove off as quickly as he could.

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