第三部分是关于大学生活 怎么为上大学做准备,然后根据你的回答再提点小问A change in your life A change you would like to make in future 【这是两个不同的话题】 自己的哪方面需要改变?为什么?什么样的人喜欢变化? 成年人为什么觉得改变很困难? 高等学校变化了嘛? 大学毕业后获得工作的途径 成年人想要什么 24.Holidays How important are holidays to you? How do people in China spend their holidays? What did you do in your last holidays? Is there anything you dislike doing during holidays? Do you think it's important for people to have holidays? Do you think we have enough holiday time (or should people's holidays be longer)? Do you think it's reasonable for an employer to ask his or her employees to work in their rest time? (休息时间) 25. part 2: Describe a course you want to learn if you had time Part3: 中国你想学的那种课的学校多吗?学校的副课(历史,音乐之类的)重要吗?公司应该比较看重学历还是工作经验?老师应该具备什么样的素质? 26. Describe something you can’t do currently, but you want to do in the future. Something You Would Like to Learn Describe something you would like to learn. Do you anyone who has learned this? Do your friends also want to learn this? 27.Describe a book you have ever read? when did you read it? Why did you like reading it? What books do adults and kids usually read? What effects may science and technology development bring on reading? describe a book you read recently. book (描述中国学生都读什么书,或者考官问你 what is the last book you recently read?) question: do you often read? part3: some general question about reading: 1.what do you think the role of books nowadays 2.whatis the difference between reading books and watching TV , if there are any?(because I said I usually read e-books) 3.Do people who don’t read have disadvantages? 4. what is the benefit of reading? 5. what do you think is the reading pattern of adults today? 28. Best friend. When met? What he or she looks like? What do you enjoy doing? Why is he or she your best friend? 29.Part 3 讲工作的事情。 如何改善老板与员工的关系。 团队合作重要性。 International sports events and relationships between countries. 有何好处及不好。 boss和职员之间能建立朋友的关系吗 什么是交朋友的准则 朋友和家人那个更重要 男性朋友之间的友谊和女性朋友之间的友谊有什么不同 男女之间会有真正的友谊吗 30.Part 2 a famous person you want to meet PART2 关于一个INTERESTING NEWS 什么时候发生的?在哪里发生的?有什么遭遇?PART3你们国家的人们是否每天看新闻?新闻一般通过什么发送(这道题我不太确定,但是我回答的不好,我说“书店”)?你们国家的人一般喜欢看本地新闻还是国家新闻或者国际新闻? 你觉得将来网络新闻会不会在人们的生活中占比较重要的地位? 33. Describe a favorite photo /Photography Do you like taking photos? On what kind of situations do you take photos? Come to anew city, new country. Farewell, birthday, festivals. wedding ceremony. Graduation, meet some famous people, happy moments. Could you tell me one of your happy experiences of taking photos? WHEN WHERE SEE THIS PART3:人们平时都是什么去拍照?如果你有不好看的照片,你会不会保存? 为什么有些人会不喜欢拍照片?Don’t have photogenic looks. 怎么样才能使的照片拍出来的效果很好?为什么有些摄影师拍出来的照片很好看? Techniques for Photography, nice camera, good film, light, structure of the photo 怎么样的器材可以拍出好看的照片? The one fits you is the best for you 电视上和报纸上的照片是用来干什么的? 为什么要拍照片? 什么照片吸引人的眼球? 用什么方法可以让人们来关注照片? vivid colors, attractive themes, 是不是只有质量好的照片才值得收藏? 34. Describe someone you know who is good at cooking. You should say: * who this person is① * how you know him or her② * what kinds of food they cook③ and explain how (you think) this person became so good at cooking. 说一个你认识的做饭很好的人。 他是谁,你怎么认识他的? 他最擅长做什么菜? 他做饭是和谁学的? 你会不会做饭?现代人通常天天做饭吗?你认为家人一起吃午饭或者晚饭重要吗?学校是否该提高食物的质量对学生?学校有没有义务给学生教授关于health food的东西?你觉得年轻人是否应该学习cooking?现在的人喜欢在家里自己做饭吗?什么时候大家会聚在一起吃饭? 35. A Library: Describe a library that you know You should say: where it is ? when you went there? what books and facilities this library has?and explain what you like or dislike about this library. 36. Describe 一位你想遇见的伟人 A famous person you want to meet/ who / why ? 37. Describe a piece of equipment生活中的现代化设备(如计算机或电话):1.第一次使用是什么时候2.怎么使用 3.对你生活的影响 第三部分主要是谈谈在生活还有什么现代化设备,人们是否能离开他们,未来的发展方向... 38. A Polluted City Describe a city that you have been to that was polluted. 39. economic crisis金融危机 40. Describe the best present/gift you have received i. Who send it? ii. When did you receive it? iii. Detail information about the present. 41.Describe an advertisement that persuaded you to buy a product. You should say: What kind of advertisement it was When and where you saw (or heard) this advertisement What product you bought Explain how this advertisement persuaded you to buy that product 你看过之后让你觉得希望买该产品的广告是? what types of media contain the advertisements? 有人说孩子不适合接触广告,你觉得呢?我们应该control?如果广告将来有所增长? 你看到广告都会想买么? |