小说推荐: Dear John(New York Times Bestseller) Written by Nicholas Sparks 这本小说仍然延续了永不过时的爱情主题。It is a heartbreaker. 整本书:The words move easily. The story is beautifully moving. 仍然是这样一个俗套到经久不衰的主题:reveal the true meaning of unconditionallove. 是啊,深爱而又不求回报,世间又有几人能够做到。啊……貌似听过无数遍了! 这段文字描述了男主人公见到美丽少女后动心不已,所以在第二天将她约到了一家极具特色的餐馆,Shrimp Shack。听到这个餐馆的名字,有点联想了吧……专门吃虾的,有没有想到《阿甘正传》中对shrimp的大段描述?第一次约会的venue又会是哪能样的? 女主角走进餐馆后即wore a satisfied expression。呵呵,选对地方了!男主角窃喜。 There was a long bar off on one side, windows that overlooked the river, and, in the main seating area, wooden picnic benches. A couple of waitresses with big hair…were moving among the tables, carrying platters of food. The air held the greasysmell of fried food and cigarette smoke…It was playing a country-western song…Most of the customers looked as if they worked hard for a living: construction workers, landscapers, truckers, and the like. 点评: 地道的描述餐馆的文字:我们描述餐馆时尽量模仿啊!!! 可以说餐厅的硬件设施:a long bar, windows, the main seating area, wooden picnic benches。 再谈论谈论服务员是否长的养眼:waitresses 空气中诱人的香味:greasy smell,看到这里相当地道的用法了吗!!!The air held the greasy smell of… 推荐模仿!!! 通常有情调的餐厅都有醉人音乐啊。注意地道用法:It was playing… 还可以谈谈餐厅的常客啦。这里有个很好的句式结构哦。as if 女主角眩晕之余开始讲话: “I like places like this,” she said. “Was this your regularhangout when you lived here?” 对话开始: “No, this was more of a special-occasion place. Usually I hung out at a place called Leroy’s. It’s a bar near Wrightsville Beach.” “Now, what’s this place famous for?” “Shrimp,” I said. “Seriously. Every kind of shrimp you can imagine. You know that scene in Forrest Gump when Bubba was telling Forrest all the ways to prepare shrimp? Grilled, sautéed, barbecued, Cajun shrimp, lemon shrimp, shrimp Creole, shrimp cocktail…That’s this place.” “I like them chilled with cocktail sauce on the side. Or fried.” 点评: 对话一开始先把这个餐厅评了一下,里面好词不断:regular hangout指经常光顾的地方,a special-occasion place指只有特殊的时候才去的地方,比如说过年过节,还有请心仪女友吃饭的时候。 接下来一段讲餐厅食物,到餐厅当然是冲着人家的特色菜的。除了用在餐厅介绍外直接可以用来描述食物,比如最喜爱的食物等等。一连报了一大串虾的做法,真是inviting啊! 想说地道英语,闲来无事的时候还要多磨磨眼睛,磨磨耳朵。书中自有地道英语,帮您sound like a native speaker!