adversary disingenuosness -candor Incient - element fanatic: enthusiastic 入迷者: glutton: appetite 暴饮暴食者: tailor: cloth FLOUNDER ↔ 挣扎;艰苦移动 反:slide; act gracefully PIQUANT ↔ 辛辣的,开胃的 (*) OBFUSCATE ↔ illuminate (*) INCONTROVERTIBLE ↔ questionable NATTY ↔ slovenly 邋遢的,不整洁的;马虎的 VERACITY 真实性,诚实 ↔ prevarication 支吾其词 ASSUAGE ↔ irritate NUANCE 细微差别<>obvious somrthing 이런 뉘앙스 (1번) FLAGGING<>growth vigorously 비스무리 (4번) obviate – 排除困难 DOUSE- 浸入水中;熄灭 反义:ignite BURNISH 擦亮,磨光<>dull NONCHALANT 冷淡的 OBEDIENT 顺从的<> willful(?) SUBVERT 反: REINFORCE candy: sugar :: tire : rubber Cameo : sculpture :: knoll : hill fluvial: river :: raincoat : garment :: tarpaulin : covering HUT: DWELLING :: raft : watercraft hut小屋:住处:: 救生艇:船 HETERODOX : ORTHODOX :: (1번) ADROITNESS : INEPT :: FLUVIAL : RIVER :: 보기에 sylvan : forest(O), terrestrial : earth, sidereal : star TIMIDITY : DAUNTLESS 胆怯:大胆的 ABERRANT : TYPICAL 异常的:典型的 MARGINALY : ABUNDANT AVARICE : SATISFY COTERIE : ??? drop cloth: floor:: ?cloth (보기에 curtain: window drop cloth(戏院的)垂幕;被单等
(20080107) The condition, the doctors... (arrest- preventing) arrest阻止,抑制;吸引;逮捕
(20080111) 1. It exaggerates, as many critics say, to say her new nevol is _________, we, however, should admit her narrative style is ___________ 보기: episodic片断-----fluid(제가 찍은 거라 생각이 나요I think it was taken?.) 2. The inauguration 就职典礼of the president of the university colleagues (?) _______ To be a praise, but mwosi gangsters (one name) to the new (), some of the aspects that the president looked through them. (20080113) 1. The others are in favor of a dean who is appointed to the contrary. 2. Elizabeth Theatre
(20080107) Purple Flower? Namie (20080111) For about the mill England (Short). Existed since medieval times when the Roman Empire was not new. It is a simple, medieval mill is the 17th century era of the Roman Empire ... is the model of the 18th-century mill has been about it, it is neither a good read and relax. Women autobiography (Long)
7, 43, 50, 99, 151, 174, 176, 221, 225
12(X2), 135, 143, 165, 178, 240 |