
www.zige365.com 2009-12-22 11:41:24 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心


aberration anomaly, deviation from standard, irregularity, atypical

abrogate do away with

abstemious sparing, moderate (in eating, drinking)

abstruse (recondite) concealed, deep, difficult to comprehend

accolade award, honor, high praise

accretion accumulation, enlargement, growth

adroitly skillfully

adulate admire excessively/slavishly, flatter

alacrity eagerness, readiness

alias assumed

allocate distribute, designate

allusion indirect reference to something else, hint (in literature)

ameliorate improve

amenable agreeable

arbiter one who arbitrates/decides, judge

ardor fervor, enthusiasm

assuage lessen the intensity of something

audacious bold, fearless

audacity (impertinence) boldness, reckless daring

auspicious (propitious) prosperous, favorable

aver prove truth of, state it is true

badger harass/annoy continuously, bait

baleful hurtful, malignant, sorrowful

beget bringsintosbeing, cause to exist

bereave deprive, leave desolate (through death)

brazenly boldly

brook tolerate

burnish polish

cacophony harsh sounding mixture of sounds

cajole deceptively persuade someone to do something he/she declines to

candid (candor) free from prejudice/bias/malice, honest, fair

capricious unpredictable, momentarily changeable

chary cautious

circumlocution indirect expression, use of wordy/evasive language

coda distinct passage concluding a composition

cogent powerful

cognizant perceptive, observant

compliant yielding, submissive

composure ease

conciliatory peace making

conjoin join together

conjure summon, bringsintosbeing as if by magic

connoisseur expert (in art, taste)

consensus unanimity, near unanimity, complete accord in opinion

contentious argumentative

conundrum puzzle, riddle

corroborate confirm, back up with evidence

cower shrink

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