
www.zige365.com 2009-12-21 20:09:22 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
veer            change direction

  veneration      regard with deep respect

  veritable       real, rightly named

  verve           spirit, vigour, enthusiasm

  vex             annoy, distress, trouble

  vigilance       watchfulness, self-appointed group who maintain order

  vigilant        member of a vigilance committee

  vilify          slander, say evil things

  vindictive      having a desire to revenge

  waft            scent, waving movement; carry lightly through

  wage            payment, carry on, engage in (war)

  warmonger       person who stirs up war

  warrant         authority, written order, guarantee

  wary            cautious

  weave           make (threads) into cloth

  weigh           measure hoe heavy smth is

  whimsical       full of odd and fanciful ideas

  wince           show bodily or mental pain

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