
www.zige365.com 2009-12-21 20:00:14 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心
 avid            eager, greedy

  balloon         swell out like balloon

  balm            sweet-smelling oil; smth giving peace of mind; consolation

  banal           uninteresting

  band            flat, thin strip of material; group; range of frequences

  barrage         artificial obstacle built across a river

  barren          not good enough, unable to have young ones, without value

  bask             in enjoy warmth and light

  be irreconcilable       cannot be brought into harmony

  belligerent     (person, nation) waging war

  belligerently   waging war

  bend            cause smth to be out of a straight line

  benevolence     wish or activity in doing good

  biased          prejudice

  bigot           stubborn, narrow-minded person

  blandishment    flattery, coaxing

  blandness       polite manner, comforting, uninteresting

  blithe          gay and joyous

  blueprint       plan, scheme, photographic print

  boggle          be alarmed, hesitate, amazed

  bogus          , counterfeit, not genuine

  bolster         give greatly needed support

  braid           strands of hair woven together, smth edging sloth or garments

  breach          opening, broken place, breaking

  brisk           active, lively

  brisket         breast of an animal

  brittle         easily broken

  broach          begin discussion of, veer

  burgeon         put out leaves, begin to grow

  calipers        metal supports attached to the legs, measuring instrument

  candid          frank, straight-forward

  castigation     severe punishment

  casual          happening by chance, careless

  catalyst        substance that causes speeding up

  census          official counting of the population

  centurion       leader of a unit of 100 soldiers

  chary           cautious, wary

  chastisement    punishment

  chisel          steel tool for shaping materials

  churl           bad-tempered person

  cite            give as an example

  cleanse         make pure, thoroughly clean

  clot            half-solid lump formed from liquid

  cloture         closing, device (in Parliament) to end a debate by voting

  coalescing      coming together and uniting into one substance

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