
www.zige365.com 2007-5-31 16:50:05 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心


1.He      an autobiography last year but I don’t know whether he has finished it.

A.wrote       B.was writing      C.had written      D.has written

2.Is the book interesting?

Yes, but I’m sure it won’t interest      

A.everybody   B.somebody       C.anybody         D.nobody

3.Would you have written to her had it been possible?

Yes, but I        busy with my work.

A.was        B.were            C.had been        D.would be

4.He says he has an uncle living in America.

Nonsense.        ,His father has no brother.

A.More or less                      B.As a matter of fact   

C.No matter what he says             D.At least

5.What did you see?

We saw        police there.

A.many     B.much     C.plenty     D.the

6.Harry treats his secretary badly.

Yes. He seems to think that she is the      important person in the office.

A.hardly       B.least       C.less       D.most

7.Shall I book a table for the dinner?

       . The restaurant won’t be full this evening.

A.Yes, you may                B.No, you mustn’t

C.No, you needn’t              D.I’d rather not

8.Thank you for a wonderful meal.


A.No, really. It’s all right             B.Thank you all the same

C.The same to you                  D.I’m glad you enjoyed it

9.Excuse me, would you mind passing me that English-Chinese dictionary?

Sorry, it’s        my reach.

A.over      B.within       C.far away       D.beyond

10.Tom tried hard to find a good job in this newspaper office, but he had no         

A.chance        B.time        C.money     

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