Task 4
Reading说的是social responsibility。当公司考虑更多的责任的时候,就可能会有一些经济上的牺牲啦~可是呢,当顾客知道这些牺牲后,又会非常欢乐地来购物啦。
Lecture里面举了个例子coffee shop,开始是plastic cup,不环保就换成了recycle paper做的后来又推出新措施,让人们可以带自己的杯子啥的,还有discount。
Task 5
学生困难:女生所在的radio club要招新,负责招聘的同学病了,不能去明天的club affair了 解决方案:女生自己说出两个方案。 方案1、自己去,但是有group meeting。 方案2、她室友愿意帮她,但是她室友不是radio club member。问女学生有什么问题?对这两种solution你更赞成哪一个?为什么?
Task 6
两个不同的盒子,一个open, the other closed, 让两组实验rats 进去找食物——mother rats and non-mother rats。相比之下mother rats 更brave and confidence, bcuz mother rats need to search food for their babies。
Transient lunar phenomena(TLP)
补充 (阿里斯塔克斯环形山之谜,是所谓的月球瞬变现象(TLP),从地球上看它是月球上最大的亮点,而且会改变颜色,有时产生红色或蓝色的光芒,并排放出气体。
1.designate flaws in telescope
2.metor sriking cause mistake
3.the stone on the moon absord light
1.we can observe the TPLin 2 special places. 如何是测量误差引起的话,那么科学家可以在地球everywhere observe TLP, however, they are seen in two special positons\places.
2.metor striking lasts 1 second,TPL can keep 20 minuters
3. If rocks reflect the light from Sun, it do emit weak light. In fact, you can see the moon at night just because the light. But in TLP, the light is much brighter than light that relfected from Sun.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is often not a good thing for people to move to a new town or a new country because they will lose their their friends.