
www.zige365.com 2013-12-10 15:54:15 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心




It happened in 1995. Boston cop Kenny Conley was pursuinga suspect and ran right past other cops beating a man. Conleylater testified that he never saw the beating. He was convicted ofperjury and obstruction of justice, and sentenced to 34 months inprison.

But did he tell the truth that he saw nothing? Very possibly, saysa study in the journal i-Perception.

Researchers had individuals "chase" a "runner" for on a collegecampus at night. The subjects followed the runner at a distanceof 30 feet and had to count the number of times he touched hishead. Each chase passed a staged fight designed to look likethe scene Conley rushed by: two actors staged a beatdown on athird man, with kicking, punching and yelling.

And two-thirds of the subjects did not recall seeing the fake fight.Even when repeated during the day, only 60 percent saw thebeating.

Such a gap in perception is called inattentional blindness. Itoccurs when increased demands on one's attention decrease the ability to notice something unexpected. And a dangerousconsequence is that we don’t believe we miss as much as we actually do.



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