
www.zige365.com 2012-6-21 17:17:40 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心


  Second, it’s true that rotting wood can increase insect population, but is this really bad for the forest? In fact, spruce bark beetles have lived in Alaskan forest for nearly hundred years without causing major damage. And of course dead trees do not provide habitats only for harmful insects. They are also used by birds and other insects that are important contributors to the long-term health of forests. In the long run, therefore, salvage logging may end up doing more harm to forests than harmful insects do.


  And third, the economic benefits of salvage logging are small and don’t last very long. In severely damaged forests, much of the lumber can be recovered only by using helicopters and other vehicles that are expensive to use and maintain. Furthermore, jobs created by salvage logging are only temporary and are often filled by outsiders with more experience or training than local residents have.



  - Main point: 回收性砍伐弊大于利

  - Sub point 1: 回收性砍伐会使森林土壤失去营养

  - Sub point 2: 回收性砍伐会使鸟类和有益的昆虫失去栖息地,长久看来对森林无益

  - Sub point 3: 回收性砍伐经济利益很小。

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