94. An obsession with the exact privileges of a colonial legislature and the precise extent of Britain’s imperial power, the specifics of a state constitution and the absolute necessity of a federal one, all expressed this urge for a careful articulation as proof that the right relationship with external powers did indeed prevail.
95. One encyclopaedia tells us that intelligence is related to the ability to learn, to the speed with which things are learned, to how well and how long ideas are remembered, to the ability to understand those ideas and use them in problem-solving, and to creativity.
96. The event marked the end of an extended effort by William Barton Rogers, M.I.T. ‘s founder and first president, to create a new kind of educational institution relevant to the times and to the contrary’s need, where young men and women would be educated in the application as well as the acquisition of knowledge.
97. Each departmental program consists, in part, of a grouping of subjects in the department’s areas of professional interest and, in part, of additional opportunities for students of their choice.
98. Alternatively, a student may use elective time to prepare for advanced study in some professional field, such as medicine or law, for graduate study in some area in which M. I. T. gives no undergraduate degree, such as meteorology or psychology, or for advanced study in an interdisciplinary field, such as astrophysics, communication science, or energy.
99. While the undergraduate curriculum for an open Bachelor of Science degree, as listed by a department, may have its own unique features, each program must be laid out in consultation with a departmental representative to assure that it is meaningful in structure and challenging in content.
100. Where previously it had concentrated on the big infrastructure projects such as dams, roads and bridges, it began to switch to projects which directly improved the basic services of a country.
88、在这方面,她很像所喜欢的同时代人中的一位Mary Brunton一样被回避着,和许多女性作家更多的来掩饰其性别憎恶,和其它方面,Mary是宁愿在无名的世界中悄然而去,也不愿被怀疑是在卖弄文艺。