
www.zige365.com 2009-9-7 9:09:34 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

5 the word “schedules” in line 23 is closest in meaning to:
(a) safety procedures
(b) employees
(c) timetables
(d) railroad tracks

6 which of the following is not true about the 1830’s and 1840’s (line 24)
(a) passenger cars became larger
(b) schedules were reliable
(c) locomotives became more powerful
(d) tracks were heavier

7 the word “stable” in line 26 is closest in meaning to
(a) fixed
(b) supportive
(c) reliable
(d) sound

8 by what time had almost 3,000 miles of track been laid?
(a) 1830
(b) 1836
(c) 1840
(d) mid-1860s

9 the word “surpassed” in line&
29 is closest in meaning to
(a) exceeded
(b) beaten
(c) overtaken
(d) equaled

10 where in the passage does the author outline the main conclusions about the importance of railroads in america?
(a) lines 3-7
(b) lines 14-18
(c) lines 19-21
(d) lines 29-31

11 why does the author include details about great britain in the passage?
(a) to compare developments in both the united states and great britain
(b) to illustrate the competitiveness between the two countries
(c) to show where americans got their ideas and technology from
(d)to provide a more complete historical context

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