
www.zige365.com 2009-8-27 9:06:10 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

  5. Man's problem: Housing problem. He's stayed on campus, but the roommate he likes is moving out. He's facing 2 choices: 1) Still live in the dorm as it is really convenient, but the school may assign another roommate to him. He worries that they may have different schedules and he may not feel comfortable living with a new roomie. 2) He rent a house with friends off campus. It is more economical, as they could split the rent and living with a group of people is fun. But it is too far from campus.
  Which one to choose?
  6. How do organisms survive in deep sea? 2 adaptions help them to survive: 1) special body structure: eg. eel has big mouth and stomach which enable them to eat stuff bigger than them and help them to get enough nutition to sustain for a long time. 2) Generating light: angler fish can generate light near their mouth. The light can attract other small fishes that they feed on.
  作文:Passage: living roof (building'roof with plants) is beneficial as it can 1)serve as public park that beautifies the city and provide people a place to relax 2) reduce water pollution and flooding 3) function as air conditioning system so as to save energy and cost.
  Lecturer: ...limited benefits and can even generate some problem: 1) they are too high to be seen/only residents of the building can have access, not open to everybody to relax 2) water leakage which can damage the building 3) the installation and maintenance is costy. The cost can be even higher that what we save.(!)

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