口语篇 首先我们来观察几道近期新托福考试的口语考题,新托福口语一共有六道考题。其中第一和第二道考题是独立任务,第三、四、五、六题均为综合任务。独立任务相对来说容易一些,且通过练习短期提高的可能性也更大。下面我们就以近期的两次新托福口语独立考题为例分析一下备考的注意事项。 3月30日 Question 1: Describe a disappointing event or experience in your life. Explain why it was memorable to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response. 5月4日 Question 1: Describe an important experience that you have had. Explain why it was important. Include reasons and examples to support your response. 通过以上两道题目我们可以发现新托福口语的第一道考题经通常与个人经历(personal experience)相关,考生在准备新托福考试时一定要重点关注,可以事先准备一段适用性比较广的个人经历小故事,并注意时态的使用(必须用过去时)。 3月30日 Question 2: Some people prefer to have a few favorite foods that they are familiar with. Others always prefer to try new style of foods. Which do you prefer and why? Include details and examples in your explanation. 5月4日 Question 2: Some people think that family has had more influence on young people. Others think that friends have more influence on young people. What is your opinion on this? Include details and examples in your explanation. 新托福的口语第二道题目通常是针对两种喜好/事物/观点的两选一,考生在备考时要注意如何表达对比和让步,观点的给出可以采用一边倒也可以采取折中的策略,但由于答题时间有限,所以建议给出有倾向的观点,并对此观点多给一些理由支持,另外一边稍加讨论即可。 写作篇 在上一期的海外考试评论中,我们列举了2008年第一季度新托福考题重复的规律,我们发现截至3月15日共出现的9道新托福考题中,有8道写作题是重复了06年第四季度至07年第一季度所考过的题目,且有6道与旧托福的185作文题库中的题目完全重合或极其相似。 在近期的四次(3月30日,4月27日,5月4日,5月10日)考试中,这种趋势有一定的弱化,但还是存在。我们只在4月27日的考题中发现了此规律,当天的考题重复了07年1月13日且和185题库的65题完全一致。 这就给我们一个启示,所谓的“机经”或“预测”,不能盲目追随,毕竟是有风险的。不过之前考过的考题可以作为考生了解出题思路、背景材料和练习的题目。特别是写作机经,把之前所有考过的考题理一遍思路,到了考场即使是新题目,相信构思理由方面也会轻松很多。 朗阁新托福(iBT)网络课程强化篇互动版-写作单项 下面是3-5月的新托福独立写作考题供考生参考: 08.03.02Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide. 08.03.08Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People today spend too much time on enjoyment - what they like to do, rather than on what they should do. 08.03.15Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Human needs for farmland, housing, and industry are more important than saving land for endangered animals. 08.03.30Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students could receive a better, more efficient education if they spend 11 months a year studying. 08.04.27Many teachers assign homework to students every day. Do you think that daily homework is necessary for students? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer. 08.05.04Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Technology makes children less creative than they were in the past. 08.05.04Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The government should invest more money in sports rather than in arts. |