
www.zige365.com 2009-8-27 8:59:54 点击:发送给好友 和学友门交流一下 收藏到我的会员中心

   4. 阅读讲了一个fundamental XXX error,中间一个单词不记得了,反正阅读标题里就有...就是说人们批评责备他人的时候,倾向于从这个人的本身性格特质出来,不大考虑当时的外部环境...然后讲座里面的教授举了个自己的例子来说明这个理论...说他有次去参加一个会议,迟到了10分钟,然后中途他问了个问题,结果会议的女主席皱眉了,没回答他就继续讲下去了,他就觉得很沮丧...后来他了解他原来会议一开始主席就说这次会议没时间回答问题,可以在下次会议回答,他晚来了没听到,主席也没留意到他晚来了,就觉得这人是不是故意捣乱呀,虽然教授自己是intentionally cooperative的...所以教授总结说,人比较容易blame for personality
   in this set of materials, the reading is something about fundmental error and the listening material is a lecture by a professor on the same topic.
   in this reading passage, when we blame people for some wrongdoings, we tend to base our judgement on their personalities instead of some other factors.
   in this listening material, the professor demonstrate with his own experience. Once he was late for ten minutes for a staff meeting. Then he asked a question during the meeting and to his surprise, the chairman looked kind of uphappy and went on with answering his question. He was made really upset. But later on , he knew that before the meeting , the chairman said that because of the time limit, he wouldn’t take any questions which can be left for the next session. Since he was late, he didn’t get this. And the chairman probably thought there much be something wrong with him. So the professor comes to a conclusion that people tend to blame people based on their personalities without considering any other factors.
   5. 是讲两个校报的编辑在讨论,学校把他们的经费给减少了,幅度超过他们的预期,但是同时印刷用的纸张涨了25%左右,所以就有问题了...然后第一个解决办法是不报道国内国际新闻了,只报道和校园有关的(但是这样可能导致读者流失,因为很多人就是因为报纸的多样性才喜欢看的), 第二个办法是保留国内国际新闻,但是少印点,很多学生都是传着看的(不过也有弱点,也不是每个人都能从别人那里分享到的)
   In this conversation, two ediors of campus newspaper are talking to each other and they have a problem. That is , the budget has been cut down more than they expected. while at the same time, the volumn of paper increase by 25%.they work out two solutions for this problem. The first one is to skip international news and just report on campus news. But this will result in readers loss because many students like this newspaper thanks to the papers diversity. The second on e is to keep the international news but cut the volumn of newspapers because the students can share the papers. I think the second one is better. First because it is true that diversity draw readers to this paper and it is wrong to skip international news. Second,although not every students are able to share, they can still encourage students to share papers with other students after explaining their problems to them. I think they will understand and start to share papers.
   6.是说植物怎么保护自己,尽量不被吃掉,一个是把自己弄的physically difficult to chew or eat,举例说有些草有锯齿,人一碰手指就可能割伤,比较锋利,动物咀嚼的时候会把嘴里面弄伤,就不愿意吃它了...另外一个办法就是靠外表来愚弄动物,说有种什么植物,蝴蝶喜欢把卵产在它的叶子上,这样幼虫孵化出来直接可以吃它,但是蝴蝶如果看到上面已经有卵了,就不产在同一叶子上了..所以这个植物的叶子上就产生出了一种小的黄色斑点,蝴蝶会认错,那么就靠伪装活下来了

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