写作训练的基本方法: 1.上我的课 2. 翻译 3.背诵 4.写日记 开头例文: 地球也许并不是为了人类生存才存在并且也许它原本不是今天这个样子的。人类在地球迄今为止上的所有活动无不对地球的健康产生了影响。至于这些影响到底是使地球变得更适于生存还是对地球造成了破坏则是一个永恒无法绝对回答的争议。 The earth perhaps does not exist for human beings to survive and thrive on it and it was, surely, not what it is today. (24words) All human activities on the earth have changed the landscape and exerted impacts on the health of the earth. Have the human activities harmed the earth? Or have the earth has changed a better place to live? The answers to these questions will vary considerably as time goes on and on. 总计75 words, 如果去掉首句24单词,文章开头依然成立,并且不失分。则构成典型的 (现象+ 问题 + 观点)开头风格。 文章中作者的观点非常明确,属于典型的中立写作布局开。 280页173道题目:借钱和友谊的论证 小词的价值 To borrow money from a friend has little to do with the maintenance of friendship because friendship depends less on money than on the love, honesty, and understanding between them. That is to say to borrow money will make the friendship stronger and closer if they love and understand each other. In this case, friendship will go on and on and on. However, without the love and mutual understanding friendship will be one day gone with the wind. Therefore it is clear that love and understanding is the very basis (foundation) of friendship which has been (figuratively) described as the light on the earth and the salt in the world. Money, on the contrary, is no. 段落内部的衔接分析 Social resources are similarly an indispensable prerequisite to a successful innovation. Many inventions have foundered because the social resources vital for their realization—the capital, materials, and skilled personnel—were not available. The notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci are full of ideas for helicopters, submarines, and airplanes, but few of these reached even the model stage because resources of one sort or another were lacking. The resource of capital involves the existence of surplus productivity and an organization capable of directing the available wealth into channels in which the inventor can use it. The resource of materials involves the availability of appropriate metallurgical, ceramic, plastic, or textile substances that can perform whatever functions a new invention requires of them. The resource of skilled personnel implies the presence of technicians capable of constructing new artifacts and devising novel processes. A society, in short, has to be well primed with suitable resources in order to sustain technological innovation 段落的学习:翻译练习 OG273页81题 关于人和技术 The technological dilemma 二分法思维训练 on the one hand…on the other hand 正反训练rather 因果关系 and so… Whatever the responses to modern technology, there can be no doubt that it presents contemporary society with a number of immediate problems that take the form of a traditional choice of evils, so that it is appropriate to regard them as constituting a “technological dilemma.” This is the dilemma between, on the one hand, the overdependence of life in the advanced industrial countries on technology, and, on the other hand, the threat that technology will destroy the quality of life in modern society and even endanger society itself. Technology thus confronts Western civilization with the need to make a decision, or rather, a series of decisions, about how to use the enormous power available to society constructively rather than destructively. The need to control the development of technology, and so to resolve the dilemma, by regulating its application to creative social objectives, makes it ever more necessary to define these objectives while the problems presented by rapid technological growth can still be solved. |