此为加拿大机经,还不错。权当最后一套模拟题吧!Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 口语: 1. 说一下你完成的一个你认为很难完成的事。为什么? something you think hard but you accomplished in the end.此题太具有个人色彩。不拘一格啦! 词组可以用: i didn't i could make it in the end. i felt really excited because one thing that really impresses me is that i made 60 people listen to my lecture for 2 hours. i originally thought it was nothing but a mission impossible 2. 小孩应该学习第二语言么,你同意还是不同意? 可以同意:open a new window towars another culture if you know that language. for example, if you know how to speak French, then you may understand French Histroy better. 有一个选择的机会give the kids an opportunity to choose what they really love to learn in the future. for example, a kid started with English. but he or she didn't really like it. then one day she learns French. and she thinks it is definitely better to learn that English. so concentrate on French from then on. 三四五六题不要忘记模板啊! 3. Student art display’s location. Reading) Student’s letter says that the lobby is good place for student art display, because there are o lot of people going through there, and there has a glass window which is good for exhibiting the art. Listening), (1)it is not a good place, there usually are crowed, when you are appreciating the art display, it is easily to be blocked by the passing person and to distract. (2)Watching the art display through the glass will influence the image of painting behind the glass, because the light is not natural, should be adjusted same level all the time. 4. Entertainment merchandising is a wider used market practice. two examples, one is the speaker’s childhood that he liked to watch TV show, play games, some toy behind. Another is his 7 years old daughter, she has a toy dog, she likes it always play with it, but when she watch TV show she forget it. 5. No electricity on the campus, the girl has a history paper is not yet finished, the boy give her two suggestions: one is to go library there has electricity but raining outside, it is not convenient to carry all stuff walking in the rain. Another is to talk to the professor, and let him give her extension for paper. But the girl thinks this somewhat likes to take a risk because the professor is not willing to give students extension. Also she can discuss with other students who may be faced the same situation. 6. About child’s emotion, not only happy and anger, but also empathy(this word I just get the confirm from the prompt).the professor provides two examples to explain it. The first, many children in the same room, when a child starts to cry, another will also start to cry and more children join it. Previously, people think this is because of reaction with environment, and disrupted by noise. The second experiment is an adult plays with a child, when he starts to cry, the does not cry. This conflicts the previous conclusion the child crying due to the noise, but because an emotion-empathy. The children cry because they feel empathy from other child. |